16 March, 2022


 Aldi's sign inside the store.  We still wear our masks when we're in a store or on a bus.  

on the side of a Bus Eireann bus

Folk Village at Glencolmcille

linking to Tom's signs2


  1. When it comes to wearing a mask I hope everyone is making the right decision.

  2. wearing a mask is an our habit today. Hopefully we always stay save an healthy in pandemic era

    and the last photo describes a beautiful village that has a green grass and cold weather.

    Have a nice day Bill

  3. Masks are still required here when entering a public space.

  4. Yes, try to seek happiness where you can.

    God bless, Bill.

  5. That first one is such a relief, here the same thanks heaven.

  6. I saw this sign yesterday at Aldi's too! The prices are even going up there too. Some great signs. I like that last one too.

  7. We still must wear a mask when we are in a store or on a bus. I don't mind that at all...It's better safe than sorry.

  8. Masks here inside public places are mandatory - but they want to make it a choice com March 20th...
    Love sign #2!

  9. ...at Aldi I'm often the only one wearing a mask. Yes, always choose happiness. The Folk Village at Glencolmcille looks right up my alley. Thanks Bill, enjoy a happy day.

  10. Good signs Bill. Masks are still compulsory here as we have just opened our State to the world on 3rd March, so Covid has just started here...Lovely cover photo.

  11. I would love to visit that Folk Village.

  12. Yup. I'm masking too. I'm interested in the Folk Village. And love Choosing happiness!

  13. Masks become your choice in stores next week here. I think I will be wearing one for a while yet.

  14. Wearing masks was relaxed at many places, but we still follow the protocol.

  15. I'd probably enjoy visiting the Folk Village...but I particularly like the words on the bus!

  16. Bill, I am right with you on masks when shopping. I would have to think twice about visiting "Old Ireland" as it wasn't all good. That's why the Irish have spread all over the world.

  17. Las mascarillas sigue estando en vigor, a no ser que estés en plena naturaleza y que no haya nadie cerca e dónde te encuentres tú situado.

  18. I continue to use it, many people continue to die and we have an outbreak of bird flu...
    We have dust from the African desert in the atmosphere. Let there be patience and resilience, dear Bill.

  19. I haven't seen any masks here for quite a while-except when you go to a medical facility. Love the signs, as always- Diana

  20. The mask signs are coming down here in Phoenix. I haven't seen one in a couple of weeks.

  21. Admittedly, in this grouping, the first one was my favorite one. masks are still required in medical offices, but not in many other places here.

  22. We've dropped the masks but some are still feeling safer wearing them.

  23. Uma bela seleção de sinais! Em relação a máscaras, uso duas em simultâneo desde o ano passado... e algo me diz que vamos continuar a precisar delas... pois os contágios estão a crescer em força, novamente, com a BA.2 a variante dominante da Ómicron.
    Um grande abraço, Bill! Saúde para si e todos os seus! Continuação de uma boa semana!

  24. Dear Bill,
    choose happyness is a good motto! :-) And I find the mask sign very friendly :-) In Austria, the FFP2 mask requirement still applies in public transport and grocery stores (and other "systemically relevant areas" - including car workshops!). But in many other areas it has been relaxed and the number of infections has risen again to unprecedented heights... I wonder how this is going to continue...
    All the best

  25. I choose happiness. :)
    Would like to visit the village.

  26. I know I'm supposed to comment on the signs, but I really like the stone wall.

  27. Thanks for sharing these signs.

    All the best Jan

  28. Currently the mask is an accessory of necessity.
    Bill, have a nice Thursday.


  29. Wearing mask has become a habit here, in Mumbai.

  30. Good signs and we are wearing our masks when out shopping or in close contact with people in the street, we don't have to wear masks but we prefer to.

  31. The virus is still among us, we cannot let our guard down, we must act with all caution and heeding the instructions given to us by the health authorities.
    Best regards.

  32. We've got omicron peaking here so businesses and the govt are still mandating mask use.
