31 July, 2016

stranded until

Down by the pier, these boats have been sitting there for most of the summer.  Not sure what their issues are but maybe they will get back in the water sometime soon.  Time will tell.

30 July, 2016

throw it

I happened to be walking down by the pier when I saw this dog.  He was playing fetch with a stick with his person and was waiting for it to be returned.   Unfortunately for the dog, the game of fetch had ended.  He wasn't ready to leave but his person was and he finally gave up and left.
The white house you see is the Ark House which I highlighted earlier.

29 July, 2016

the rainbow

This was the prize at the end of my coastal walk the other day.  It's amazing to see such beauty!

27 July, 2016

a quiet stroll

It was nice to be out walking with such a wonderful breeze and hardly any people on the path.  A good time to think and enjoy the peace and quiet.  Enjoy the day wherever you are!

26 July, 2016

25 July, 2016

the corner bar

A place where you can watch sports on the weekend during the day and listen to live Irish music at night.  It is located on Lower Main Street.

24 July, 2016

the tall ship "phoenix"

The Tall Ship "Phoenix" seen on Lough Foyle on 12 July.  The home port of the Phoenix is the Charlestown Harbour in Cornwall.  You can read more about Phoenix here

23 July, 2016

ship on lough foyle

While walking on the Coastal Walk we saw this ship heading toward Greencastle.  It is flying the Flag of England.  I believe this ship participated in the Irish Marine Search and Rescue Demo that was held here a week ago. 

22 July, 2016

in memory of

This is a new bench on the Moville-Greencastle shore walk and dedicated to the memory of Jennifer Green.  Such a nice view!

21 July, 2016

house with flowers

On one of my walks on the R241 road, I passed this lovely little house.  It's not too big, not to small, feels just right.  The flowers add a lovely touch!

20 July, 2016

I'm watching you

When walking past these guys a few days ago, they rushed to the fence.  They were expecting food but we didn't deliver.  They soon turned about and went back to munching on the grass.

19 July, 2016

a view of lough foyle

This house is right up the road from us and it has a lovely view, don't you agree.

18 July, 2016

a view

I happened to come across this view through a  fence on one of my walks around town.  I do love the look of the red door.

17 July, 2016

St. Columb's Church

The only info I could find about the church is below courtesy of the Dictionary of Irish Architects webpage.
Early English. Nave & chancel with tower and spire. Consecrated, 7Jun 1858. Cost about £1,600; 'upwards of £1000 subscribed by Rev. S. Montogmery, rector, who also gave site, and his immediate relatives.

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16 July, 2016

miss marple

When I first saw this house, it reminded me of one of Agatha Christie's famous detectives, Miss Marple.  I could envision her walking out that front front door.  Her house had lots of flowers and greenery, a lot more than this one but yes, I think Miss Marple would approve of this fine house.

15 July, 2016

colour everywhere

Around town you see flowers everywhere.  They're hanging on buildings, in yards, everywhere you look.  The next couple of days this is what you'll see, more flowers and more colour.  Enjoy!

On the way to the beach

Down by the shore walk.  A tree at the end is branching out on to the roof.

14 July, 2016

mini junkyard?

Guess this boat's dredging days are over.  I came across this beauty when I was up in the area to recycle our glass and cans.  I found some other stuff there and was wondering what was up in this mini junk collecting area.  No answers but a great photo opp.

road signs still on its pole

some kind of farm equipment

13 July, 2016


This boat has been here in the same location since I've been here.  The second photo is one I took three months ago.  Not much has changed.

12 July, 2016

front garden

Passed this house on the way to the beach and I loved the way these flowers add so much beauty to the front garden.  It was a dull overcast day but the flowers added some much needed colour.  I also like the tree.  It's a monkey puzzle tree which I never heard of  until I looked it up.

11 July, 2016

neighborhood watch brigade

Don't worry, because wherever you go, you are under surveillance by the neighborhood's finest.  They are always ready at a moments notice!

10 July, 2016

free little library

The free little library is located at the beginning of the shore walk which is straight ahead.  That's the kid's play ground you see in the background.  Heading out or heading back from your walk stop and take a look.   If you have a book to drop off, please do!  With the tourists coming in to town, the selection changes daily.  We usually drop off a book every now and then plus once in a while we do find one to take too :)

09 July, 2016

buncrana beach

This past Tuesday we went to Buncrana to do some grocery shopping.  Taking the bus and our backpacks, we headed out to catch the noon bus.  One hour later we are in Buncrana.  The bus returns at 4:20 so we have about 3 hours to kill.   So, off to the beach we went, a 10 minute walk from our bus stop.  It's always refreshing to walk on a beach no matter where it is and explore new places.  It's nice to live a simple life and enjoy what is there in front of you.
Have a great day wherever you are!

 the view to the right

the view to the left

the center view

08 July, 2016

for sale

A newly painted house for sale, comes with flowers.  Located on Malin Road aka R238.

06 July, 2016

what will it be?

I saw this nice fellow on main street in Buncrana.  He's waiting for his fish.