01 October, 2020

CDP Theme October.. Covid-19

this is Dungloe's response to Covid-19.  The businesses have placed the necessary requirements in their stores and on their windows.  This charity shop closed down again last Friday due to the new government restrictions on Donegal.  Numbers of virus infections are increasing and the restriction are inforced until Oct 16th.

Other places like the school below have placed this sign up.

Cope's grocery store has placed a sanitize station inside the entrance door

notices placed down at the pier, one is in English, the other in Irish

another notice can be seen at the entrance to the river walk

this was seen on the back of the sign in the previous photo
"corona bad"

one result of  disposable masks is they end up as litter.  This was seen on the river walk.  Thankfully, they have volunteers here in town that make up a litter patrol.  It's sad that a community needs something like that but also it is greatly appreciated

to see other responses to covid-19 from around the globe, click here


  1. It's really difficult to understand the jerks who toss their masks away like that.

  2. Hi Bill.

    That virus is terrible.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  3. Nice collection of the mess covid makes of things. We have to live with it good or bad and have no choiche. Keep well Bill.

  4. I never thought Irish is SO different to English - glad they offer a translation.
    I once, when visiting my Brother, a Scottish man entered his shop.
    My Brother called me for help. Booooy. Took me a while to make this customer speak "English", I had no clue at first!
    But then. Send me to South Germany, or Bavaria... ???
    Actually it´s great we have our languages like that!

    "Corinna"... not so much! At all. And yes, those masks are "floating" around here, too. I have Henry and some Ingo made and even if not, I would not dumb them. What are with people?!

  5. Interesting to see and read those signs.
    Didn't know the cases were increasing so I do hope it's not too bad.
    You take care..

  6. Who could have imagined that the whole world could change so much....

  7. Hello,
    We see similar signs here too, I have seen used masks on the ground too.
    I have never in my life thought we would be living life like this, 2020 has been a crazy year. Take care, have a great day!

  8. Everything that is happening in your part of the world is also happening here in Ontario Canada. Stay safe Bill.

  9. Such a sad world at the moment Bill. Excellent choice for today's theme ✨

  10. yes, Corona bad!

    it is very unfortunate that business and incomes are so greatly impacted.

    stay safe

  11. Those signs look familiar. Stay safe!!

  12. Now if only people will read the signs and follow the rules. And yes, masks are becoming litter here too. Some people have no sense, and no couth, as my Dad would have said.

  13. ...closurer are a sign of the times.

  14. Great post! I've been seeing signs like this up everywhere here too. The other thing is all the plastic shields at check-out stations. Even at the MacDonal's drive-thru. I've seen that same litter too.

  15. It's sad that we have to go through a second round of covid. We didn't learn much from the first round.

  16. Our state finally moved to level 3, allowing more restaurants and bars to open (finally)...but so many other places are having increases in cases. So I doubt that we'll stay at this level long.

  17. Yeah lots of signs here too. We do as we are told like the sheep we are---but then again better to be safe than sorry.

  18. Lots of signs like these all over everywhere.
    I've seen a couple masks discarded too.

  19. hope, signs will encourage people to use sanitizer, mask and do social distance....

  20. Sorry things are getting worse with Covid again Bill. Keep safe.
    Sad that people discard their masks in inappropriate places.

  21. A fine pandemic series. Good to see that Ireland is taking Covid seriously and doing its best to limit the spread of this deadly virus unlike our government here. Stay safe and healthy, Bill.

  22. Sad that places are closed again. The same is happening in parts of Canada. Not on the east coast yet though.

  23. The signage is similar here, though we've got French as opposed to Gaelic.

  24. It is also increasing here at home, unfortunately

  25. These are sad times, Bill! I hope to see 'normal' again one day. Stay safe.

  26. Malos tiempos, nos ha tocado vivir. Mientras no haya un remedio para la enfermedad, no podemos bajar la guardia. Hay que adoptar siempre las precauciones necesarias.

  27. Such a shame to see litter such as masks and gloves on the ground. Although we are back in level 1 here, the lowest, every shop still has warnings up and limits on people.

  28. The lockdown fatigue sets in and then the trouble starts.

  29. I love the sanitation provision of the grocery store, a good example to apply anywhere.

    I was annoyed to see that the mask was thrown out of place.
    In my country things like that still happen frequently.


  30. Good to see warning signs everywhere to keep people awake. But still that throw away mask annoys.
    Take care Bill

  31. There's many similar signs about distancing, closures, patron limits here as well. Also sanitizers available at entry points and even masks. And it is sad that people so carelessly discard paper masks everywhere, I stopped taking photos as I had seen way too many. We only use washable ones and each have enough for a week's worth which are washed with the laundry.

  32. It is so sad, and so un-necessary, but when we are out Eddie and I see too many disposable masks just discarded on the floor, in hedgerows, in too many places. It would seem that this is a worldwide problem ...

    All the best Jan

  33. Although litter annoys me that discarded mask does make for a great photo sitting there next to the weed beside a deserted path. The saddest sign of them all.
