25 October, 2020

Sweeney's Hotel

was built in the 1850s.  Its founder. Johndie Sweeney, died in 1909 aged 100. His family played an important part in the history of Dungloe, in the Land League and the later struggles for independence, as well as being successful in a range of businesses. 
Info courtesy of the Dungloe Heritage Trail brochure.

The hotel was sold recently and is in the process of being renovated.  Earlier this year, the windows were replaced with new ones.  They just started working on the hotel recently putting up the scaffolding and screening.

yesterday I received a nice surprise package in the mail from a blogger friend.  It was nice of her to send this.   A bookmark with different language spellings for the word book, a postcard of her town, a writing pen, a coaster with the Brunswick Lion, the best-known landmark in the German city of Braunschweig (Brunswick) and a good luck litte pig.  Very nice indeed! :)  Thanks Iris.


  1. The hotel looks wonderful. It will be great when renovated.

    God bless.

  2. That´s a beautiful hotel and reaching the age of 100 those days must´ve been some accomplishment (hope it was a good life?).
    You made me giggle with the chocolate! I have a friend who ... oh, and a dentist, too... they "kill" the stuff immediately!
    Glad you liked it and as Henry loves sheep (as company!!!) I see he´s in good hands. Fast snail mail that was! Seems like "Corinna" gets smaller between our countries a bit!
    A nice Sunday to you, Bill and greetings to your wife :-)

  3. Hi Bill.

    That will look nice when it is done.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  4. Nice to see they keep the old buildings alive to make them better.

  5. ...the old Sweeney sure is getting a makeover!

  6. Sprucing up a hotel is a good way of increase business. Good luck to them.

  7. I like the header!!
    Lots of work going on. By the time they finish, people will start traveling more... hopefully.
    Nice gifts.

  8. hello,

    The hotel looks nice, I am glad it is being renovated. Take care, enjoy your day. Have a great new week!

  9. Looks like a very grand old establishment, Bill, and I know that once Covid permits you will be inviting us all to join your for dinner there!

  10. Hope the classic features of the old building are maintained.
    The exchange of gifts between bloggers is heartening to read. Reminds me of the good old days of penfriendship.

  11. I hope the new owners do not change the hotel much! Such a wonderful piece of history. Surprise gifts are always the nicest, I think!

  12. It will be interesting to see the refurbished hotel.

  13. Nice they take the work and money to make it new!Nice Hotel indeed!

  14. Good to see such a building is being renovated. Looking forward to seeing the end results...a few months down the line perhaps...

  15. I bet that hotel will be a nice place to stay once it's been refreshed. What a nice gift!

  16. That's a nice surprise package. I love that the hotel is being renovated and not just torn down.

  17. Nice looking hotel. Wouldn't mind staying there. Awfully sweet of your friend to send the package. I could use with some cheering up, too. Hate this situation.

  18. I have to commplement people when they renovate old buildings.

  19. Es preciosa su fachada, me supongo que ahora lo van a adaptar a las necesidades modernas.


  20. Sweeney's will be beautiful when finished.
    How nice that you and Iris have exchanged gifts like that! Stay safe, Bill!

  21. A beautiful old building, good to see that it is being renovated.

  22. What a nice gift. I would like to see that building when it's finished, hopefully it will be a little bit more warm and modern on the inside.

  23. Nice to see old building getting renovated.
    Always great to get a surprise package in the mail from a friend. :)

  24. Hi Bill, sorry, your site did not get populated during the migration of the portal. Thanks for registering at the City Daily Photo portal. Your thumbnails now appear on the portal.

  25. Oh wow 100 in 1909, in those days that must have been seriously mega old huh!! Good to see them taking care of old building. And what a lovely surprise, it is nice to get unexpected gifts from friends :-D

  26. Lovely gift.
    The hotel will looks great when finished and it's pleasing to see it being renovated by new owners.

  27. Maybe I'll get to stay there when we come to Ireland again. Was supposed to be this year, but maybe we can get there in 2021.

  28. And what a thoughtful gift. Blog friends can be the best friends, even if we never meet.

  29. Will it still be used as a hotel Bill? What a lovely surprise all the way from Germany ✨

  30. Nice to get a surprise in the mail, anytime. Hope you share photos after the renovations are done.

  31. Pleased they are 'doing up' and improving the hotel.
    Lovely happy mail from Iris.

    All the best Jan

  32. How wonderful. I’d love to know more about the hotel. Have the renovations been completed? My family is planning a trip to Ireland. My GGGrandfather was a Sweeney (Hugh) from Remelton. I’d be interested to see if there were any family members still remaining there.
