28 October, 2020


In Ireland, a television licence is required for any address at which there is a television set. Since 2016, the annual licence fee is €160. Revenue is collected by An Post, the Irish postal service. The bulk of the fee is used to fund Raidió Teilifís Éireann (RTÉ), the state broadcaster.  Lately there is talk about modifying the licence to cover other devices like your computer.  We don't have a tv so we don't require a licence.

to see more signs, visit Tom the backroadstraveller


  1. Then I think you belong to a very small minority in Ireland but it saves a lot of stress.

  2. Hello,
    I do not think my hubby could go without a TV. Do the inspectors go inside every house to see who owns a TV? Take care, have a happy day!

    1. They have a register with all the names and if you didn't pay your name would be targeted for a visit.

  3. Thanks to Covid-19 I have been watching more TV. Don't need a licence here but I do have to pay the TV Cable Company to hooked me up.

  4. That's a lot of money to watch mainly crao!

  5. Same system here in the UK.

    God bless, Bill.

  6. ...we have a TV, but at €160 I might not. Thanks Bill for sharing something new to me.

  7. I don't have a TV either, though that doesn't stop them sending me reminders to buy a license.

  8. What a surprise - I would have never imagined having to pay for a license to have a TV in your home. Interesting.

  9. When our daughter lived in London, they had a license too.

  10. Wow. Would you have to pay for a license and also cable or satellite? That's a lot of money just to own a tv. I am not surprised the bureaucrats are wanting to include computers.

    1. The licence only covers the tv and not cable or satellite. If you have those, that would be additions bills.

  11. I remember my uncle in Dublin always complaining about this license. He also couldn't see why he should pay for his water.

  12. Well, that is interesting. I had not heard of that before.

  13. Oh my...something I'd not heard of. And there are a few things under the sun which can surprise me still!

  14. That's a surprise. I remember when we had to have a radio license during the war.

  15. No license required to own a TV here, but must pay to receive a signal on cable or dish. Hard to believe this is a tax we do not have.

  16. Jere it´s required for a group of three - all others would be free and we don´t even watch those three, it´s a shame... Glad you safe the lot for other stuff, have a nice evening!

  17. I had heard of this before. We subsidize our CBC directly out of the general tax stream. I couldn't live without a TV! ;-)

  18. Teve license is a shit!Here we have stopped it now..it goes with the taxes..But many only stream television

  19. I'd find that ridiculous, but then my television is only for watching DVDs.

  20. Curiosa forma de recaudar impuestos. En España no se cobra nada, pero ya se encargan de recaudar impustos de otras maneras.

  21. A TV License? This is something I have heard for the first time my friend Bill. Thank you so much for sharing this to me. I'll read about it :)

  22. It is very expensive in Scotland too!!!! And I don't think it is worth is.

  23. I remember having to get a tv license when we lived in Scotland many years ago now.

  24. Yes, same system here in the UK.

    All the best Jan

  25. I hope they don’t make it mandatory for the Internet! I could do without TV but not my wifi ))). Is the license expensive?

  26. Oops sorry, I just went back and re-read the post. Not a horrible cost, but I am sure it is hard for many families

  27. Well that is expensive form Irish Pound to Australian Dollars AUD333.00 that seems a lot of money for TV then additional for streaming, gosh.
    We used to have a TV license but no more now for a long time.
    TV is not necessary if you have a computer and wifi etc..
    Take care.

  28. Not any more in India thankfully.

  29. Gosh I thought TV licenses went out years ago Bill, the last time I had to pay for one was when we lived in Africa many years ago ✨

  30. What a strange thing to see, we don't have them here in NZ.
