24 October, 2020

saturday critters-from the archives

Fairbanks, Alaska 11/1999 

our dogs were barking so I went outside to see what they were barking at.  I saw the moose and it saw me.  Went back in the house and grabbed my camera.  I believe I was using Fuji film but at the time.

there was another one checking out the branch probably for something to eat.  The cabin behind him was a sauna that we had.  The photo was taken from my bedroom window.

here they are almost to the end of our driveway.  I remember I had to go somewhere but had to wait about 15 minutes until I could leave

to see other critters from around the globe, click here


  1. No moose in Ireland, Bill, andI suspect very little snow. How long did you live in Alaska?

  2. Oh that is great to see them so close by!

  3. Good to see those photos. Lovely looking back to them, memories..

  4. Bill you must have been excited to see these guys. They certainly don't look camera shy.

  5. You really do like the cold, huh? Brrr. Reckon they´re quite huge. And they look so calm.
    That year we traveled Australia and in the Outback had 40C +.. much more my liking! Guess we won´t meet on a holiday! A nice day to you, Bill :-)

  6. Hello,
    I love the moose, I saw them in Wyoming a few times. They are cool looking critters. Great shots, I like seeing them among the trees. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day. Happy weekend to you! PS, thank you for the comment and visit too.

  7. ...what a wonderful sight, something that I have never seen in the wild.

  8. Alaska always seems so wild, and every experience I read makes it seem moreso. Very nice photos.

    be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  9. Hi Bill.

    Wonderful meeting Bill with the Elk.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  10. Hello Bill. I love Alaska, but I've never been to Alaska.
    Thank you for sharing.

  11. Great photos. A bit too close for comfort. Thank goodness for dogs!

  12. I guess that is not a sight to be seen in Ireland, Bill! Stay safe.

  13. Wow ... great photographs Bill.

    Love your new header photograph too.

    Happy Weekend Wishes

    All the best Jan

  14. Wonderful photos, Bill. Thank you so much for sharing. Great souvenir.

    God bless.

  15. You've moved around! I love the idea but have never had the guts to do it.

  16. They are so stately, but kind of ugly.

  17. Well, that sure is a close encounter you won't forget! Makes you glad to have a camera handy!

  18. Awesome photos. They don't really care about you so they'll take as much time as they want.

  19. What great shots! They are rather imposing creatures. I remember years ago when one came strolling into our camp site. It was fun to watch him from inside the camp.

  20. Impressive! It must have been great to be able to see them so close.

  21. quite big....I never saw Moose in nature.
    Have a wonderful weekend

  22. Great moose photos! That baby was only half as tall as the house- I wonder if it grew as tall as the roof?!

  23. El frío y la nieve, hace que escaseen los alimentos y lo buscan por todas partes.


  24. The first picture is my favorite. We don't have moose around here.
    I didn't realize that one time you lived in Alaska!

  25. Nice photos. My bf wants to move to Canada, but I think it might be on hold for a long time!

  26. Ohh I love that first photo!Awsome colurs and pretty that moose😊What di you do there?ten years is along time!wow.but I too love Alaske and if one of my ten destinations to visit in alifetime.All good to you😊Stay inside and safe thats what we do now
    And please more Alaska pictures!hint hint😊

    1. Hi Anita, I worked at the University of Alaska Fairbanks after I graduated. I worked in the Oral History Program and we went to villages and interviewed the elders. After the interviews, along with photos from them, I developed interactive programs that had the interviews and photos on it. People could listen and enjoy. Most of the projects we did weere funded by the National Park Service. It was fun.

  27. Bill - all of the pictures are fabulous because they have my favorite - MOOSE! But the first one really is a standout with the parallel lines of the trees and the attentive look on that moose!

  28. Great pictures. They are quite a sight.

  29. Oh what a wonder to see moose! Great photos!

  30. Must be amazing to have nature so close by.

  31. Wonderful to see these magnificent animals! Fuji film was great.

  32. How fabulous Bill, what an amazing sight and excellent captures 💙
