10 October, 2020

saturday critters

walking home Thursday, this guy became unhinged when I was passing the his driveway.  He's got to protect his turf, you know. and I understood. :)

all of the commotion brought the neighbor's dogs to the scene and of course they had to have a meet and greet session.

as I continued walking, I glanced back and they were watching to make sure I was on my way.  The big dog had aready left heading back to his yard which was next door.

to see more critters from around the globe, stop by and visit Eileen


  1. They're really lovely dogs. Expressive faces.

    God bless, Bill.

  2. That last photo is so funny, you made me laugh! The way they look at you!

  3. Funny post, Bill! They don´t look exactly like they scare someone off...
    Sunny day, aww seems like you have rain, if so, enjoy!

  4. Hi Bill.

    Funny cute dogs.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  5. I guess that concept of keeping you dog under your control hasn't dawned on the owners of these beauties. They may be friendly, but they can scare a small child in a hurry.

  6. What a bunch of characters. It used to be like that in the village where I grew up - dogs roaming everywhere. Nowadays it's very rare to see dogs loose on the streets.

  7. Dog tip: They really like you when you bring them treats. ˁ˚ᴥ˚ˀ

  8. They are certainly cute little guard dogs!

  9. Hello,

    Love the cute pups, the last photo is adorable. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  10. Dogs train people even though some people think they train the dog!

  11. aww... two cute little dogs...

    Have a great day

  12. It's nice to have a little drama in a boring day.

  13. Excellent dog portraits. Good to know they were doing their job protecting their turf, but they are more cute than fearsome.

  14. Hi Bill, beautiful photos of the dogs. Have a nice weekend. Greetings Caroline

  15. I think they welcomed the excitement you brought them.

  16. That will teach you to wonder onto their turf, Bill. Glad they were not the attack variety because they looked too cute.

  17. They are cute but still I don't enjoy walking when dogs come after me, even little ones.

  18. When we walk Georgie, we find the small dogs are the barkers and can be vicious sounding. I try not to make eye contact.

  19. I love the dog face expressions in the last photo. All the dogs are gorgeous creatures.

  20. Oh so cute protecting their territory Bill, your last shot is adorable, those expressions 😁

  21. Sweet and I understand their need to protect their turf ... and it’s always funny to me how they seem to think”there, my job is done” when you walk away! But I am so used to leash laws now that it surprises me to see dogs loose on the street, even little cuddly cute ones!
