26 October, 2020

wet days ahead

another rainy day with  the remnants of Hurricane Epsilon heading our way.  It is expected on Tuesday night, bringing strong winds and rain, but the full force of it will hit on Wednesday.  When it rains it pours.  Our trees are slow showing their colours but after the storm this tree might have no leaves left on it.


  1. Hi Bill.

    Beautiful separate stone fence.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  2. Yes the coloured trees are late this year, here too. And all those rains... we have had enough of that...:(

  3. Great header again Bill and it does look wet indeed.

  4. That header is a beauty. Batten down the hatches, Bill.

  5. Praying you are safe in the hurricane.

    I have never understood how hurricanes occur in alphabetical order of names. How do they know it is their turn to occur?

    God bless.

  6. Love that new banner! And the trees look great, too - hope the hurricane won´t be too fierce... Best wishes!

  7. ...after our dry summer, we are having rain most days!

  8. It's goodbye leaves once the wind and rain hit! Then bare branches until the spring.

  9. Rain and wind are very hard on fall leaves. People too so stay safe!

  10. Hello,
    The leaves are looking beautiful. We are expecting rain the next dew days, but not a hurricane. I hope all is safe. Take care, enjoy your week!

  11. I find the rainy days so depressing although your pic has lots of nice colour, Bill!

  12. Lovely image Bill.. I'll swap you some sunshine for some of your rain 😉

  13. Lovely pink flowers in the yard and an interesting fence with patterns on top. Stay safe and dry

  14. It's a dreary and rainy day here in Nashua, NH. This was a nice splash of colors and stone fence, which we have many of in New England.

  15. Anoche llovió aquí, con escasa intensidad, pero lo suficiente para refrescar las plantas y no tener que regarlas.

  16. We had a very wet and windy weekend in my part of the UK.

    That is a gorgeous photograph, I like the colours and the stonework.

    All the best Jan

  17. Still nice and green at your place.

  18. Pretty leaves and what a beautiful green lawn.
    Sometimes rainy days are nice.

  19. Ireland has the most beautiful green.
    I miss the stone walls, "mist", and green.

  20. Still looks much drier than Scotland! We have had torrential rain today and been rubbish most of last week too!

  21. The pink and red really stand out. Wish we would get some rain here.

  22. Reading on the Wednesday, hope you are not feeling too many effects of the storm today.
