10 March, 2020

geraldine and patrick

memorial sculpture by artist Mel French, located in Belturbet, Co. Cavan.  They were killed in a car bomb explosion on the 28th December, 1972.  Photo taken from the bus window.
If interested, you can read the story HERE


  1. I hope that the violence will not increase in Belfast now that UK has left the EU …
    What a sad story!

  2. Sad story that two kids were killed like that, it would have affected the whole community

  3. Such a sad ending to their short young lives.

  4. Such a tragedy. Yes people can be very stubborn.

  5. What a touching story lays behind this nice tribute to the two teens.

  6. Hi Bill.

    Nicely made the images.

    Greeting from Patricia.

  7. It defies belief that so much violence, outright barbarity in fact, was perpetrated in the name of a supposedly caring, loving faith, where both sides worshipped the same God using the same bible. And the divisions continue to this day.

  8. I don't remember hearing their story, which is just a reflection on the number of similar deaths that occurred in those terrible times. A fitting and touching memorial to the death of two innocent young people.

  9. R.I.P.
    Prayers always ... Prayers for peace.

    God bless you, Bill.

  10. That's a nice memorial. Those were certainly troubling times.

  11. WoW, Powerful - Its One Of Those Art Pieces That I Might Have Just Wondered On By - Thanx For The Friendly Reminder Mr Bill


  12. ...a remembrance of troubled times.

  13. Hopefully those times are gone for good.

  14. What a terrible thing to happen at all! No inquiry seems strange. Maybe nothing ever changes. A wonderful tribute to the teens

  15. That's a very nice memorial.

  16. That must have been such a difficult time!

  17. It is important we won’t forget what happened. It’s a nice memorial.

  18. The Troubles will always haunt both the Republic and Ulster.

  19. Yes, I followed the link to read the story of what happened to these 2 young people and it was such a senseless tragedy. A statue won't bring them back it's true, but shows they are not forgotten as too many are these days.

  20. Sad tale and beautiful sculpture

  21. It is good to have reminders of those who were senselessly lost for the violence that was to perhaps meant to achieve something positive. Lofty goals often tread upon the innocent. Do we learn, do we ever learn?

  22. I hope the Troubles will remain in the past. It was a very sad and frustrating time.

  23. Oh, my goodness, what sad stories! The poor parents of the boy, oh, my. That Brother. And it goes on and on.
    Christmas Market? Only before it´s getting dark, but then, attacks happen all the time. Anywhere. Cowards, who do that, dumb people clever enough to plan and do it.
    And I truly wonder if this sad statue will maybe even encourage people to do that again?
    Sorry. A dull day here, I´m getting a bit negative.
    NO MORE! My Brother believes our parents are "in heaven", looking down on us, maybe those two "kids" do the same and see how people take pictures and remember them.
    And they wish us all a nice day and to be thankful to be alife (ohhhh... a lille drama today ;-)....)

  24. What a terrible way to go Bill, they were dreadful times hopefully never to return.

  25. That is a nice memorial, but so sad.

    All the best Jan

  26. Sad story, 2 young people just going about their day.
