31 March, 2020


no laughing or yelling
playtime is cancelled
when it's time
the kids will return.
in the meantime
wash your hands!


  1. Same situation here. In fact we have a similar set-up with the playground alongside the football pitch, so the children can learn all the bad language they'll ever need when a match is being played.

  2. Yes, (mostly) same here (some parents still not get it! Police has to check and fine them).
    Your playgrounds are much more colorful than ours.
    Hope kids can come back soon!

  3. In my country there are idiots that don't understand the seriousness of Covid-19. Some adults tore down the yellow caution tape and climbed fences to access playgrounds, which were shut down by the city to prevent the further spread of COVID-19.

  4. Same here but I have not looked to see if they have been playing there.

  5. Colorful but empty. What a pity. Lets hope its soon over.

  6. My hands have received more soap and water in the past few weeks than ever before!

  7. We are living in a surreal world now....

  8. Well said.
    Our playgrounds are closed too.

  9. It is strange to see a playground now knowing children can’t play there.

  10. Nice photos of reality!I think its great they follow the carantene

    Here in my Place they are out playing the kidsa butthey stay in groups ca 3 4..I think many families struggle a great deal now because they have to really take care of their own childs.You know before they was a t School and kindergarden all day long.

    However in Sweden its terrible!There everything is open !I relly cant understand it how they think..

    Wish you a great day!


  11. Hi Bill.

    it is all very bad.
    Also anxious.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  12. ...it's too bad that it isn't filled with play children.

  13. Those poor moms with the kids with all that pent up energy. Glad my little one days are over.

  14. These are sad times. Stay well, Bill!

  15. The lucky families have yards where the kids can play. Many families live in small apartments without anywhere like this for each family, and the communal playgrounds are closing. I really feel for them...parents suddenly thrust into 24/7 parenting when they were used to just morning and evening care. It's a pretty playground, and I hope soon kids will be back on it!

  16. Colorful playground. Here the swings have been taken away and everything else is covered in netting.

  17. I really love the colorful murals on the playground walls Bill! It's quite sad to see the playground deserted though, but you are right, wash our hands for the meantime!

  18. It's kind of sad to see these place deserted like that.

  19. Inviting playground for both kids and parents. Hope the children are staying home and learning something beneficial. Stay healthy, Bill.

  20. The quietness around playgrounds somehow seems unnatural. I’m sure the kids miss it a lot.

  21. it is the only way.....sad but true.. ew

  22. Alas a sign of the times … but great pictures.

    All the best Jan

    PS I enjoyed your words too.

  23. A sad sign of the times.... but it's not for ever! Those play structures will be full of laughing children very soon! (fingers crossed, and hands washed)

  24. Ahora al parque le han quitado su alegría. Falta en él el correr y el juego de los niños que acudían diariamente.

    Esperamos vencer a ese virus maligno, que haga volver a esos niños de nuevo.


  25. Pretty but so lonely without the children.

  26. I have missed a few posts. Will come back tomorrow. I would like to know your new city ... : )

  27. I love little kiddie sized equipment like that. It's so sweet!

    Yes, I'll wash my hands. Trouble is at the rate I'm going there isn't going to be any skin left to wash...

  28. Love this playground but it's a pitty that it's empty.

  29. Rather eerie to see the playground like this. Schools here in Saudi Arabia are closed too, at least until fall. Strange times we are living in.

  30. Same here: the equipment is off limits.
