18 March, 2020


a notice in a chemist store informing patrons of the new protocol.  They had taped numbers on the floor three meters between each one.  As one person proceeded, the next one would move up.  A woman would assist you by taking your presciption and your phone number.  They would text you when it was ready.
Be smart, pay attention and hopefully stay healthy!

a notice on a school bus giving advice for schools

to see more signs visit Tom the backroadstraveller


  1. I think it´s sad "we" need to be guided like that.
    We have brains, why don´t we use them?
    Same here. Panic.
    And really. No!.
    To a safe day, Bill!

  2. It is affecting all of us in one way or another.

  3. Everywhere the same Bill. The big shops in the city are also closing now and my appointment by the garage was this morning called off.Its easier to start something then to stop the flywheel again.

  4. Wow Nice they take such precautions!

    the very best to you and Your love ones :))))

  5. Hello, it is good to keep your distance and follow the rules. Take care and stay well. Have a great day and week ahead.

  6. Hello, it is a good idea to keep your distance and follow the rules.
    Take care and have a great day!

  7. We are seeing history in the making but unfortunately it is our today's and tomorrow's and we are a part of it 💮

  8. Hi Bill.

    Scary times Bill.
    Keep yourself tough.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  9. It's a difficult world at the moment, signs l;ike tat everywhere. Take care, Bill.

  10. Same here in Toronto. We are in lockdown.

  11. Caring about al the folks who are taking care, and miffed at those who are not. Glad to see the distancing measures.

  12. I also noticed blue lines on the floor of our local supermarket to indicate a safe distance to the person in front of you.

  13. We are sheep and need to be guided.
    Stay safe

  14. There are warnings everywhere. My email is full of them too.

  15. Hi Bill....long time no talk.

    Hope you and yours are keeping safe and healthy. I need to go back and catch up on this move you made. I will miss killybegs, if nothing else, because of its name.

    Take care♥

  16. I think it's good to have guidelines Bill, for those who haven't been paying attention 😉

  17. Everyone around the world should be concerned about Coronavirus. Stay safe and healthy, Bill.

  18. The distance lines are a good idea! I hope we see the amount of new cases here leveling off soon, they are increasing rapidly!

  19. ...life sure has changed. Thanks Bill for sharing, stay safe and healthy.

  20. We're in uncharted territory so I hope all these precautions work for us.

  21. Things sure are changing fast!

  22. I haven't seen signs like the distance one, but I have seen the ones announcing closures posted on downtown restaurants. Many also have signs announcing they can provide take-out orders.

  23. With us is only one and a half meters! We must not shake hands and the pharmacy order, with me was always via text message!
    I wish you a nice evening!

  24. Ja Bill, heel erg belangrijk, het gaat om onze toekomst.
    groet Kees.

  25. hope, everything goes well with you and yours

  26. That seems a good plan …

    All the best Jan

  27. I just finished wiping down all sorts of surfaces with Clorox spray. Now I reek of Clorox. I think next time I'd better put on gloves. I guess we take it one day at a time.

  28. Querido Bill.
    Esperamos conseguir vencer esse bichinho invisível.
    Um grande beijinho de oração.❤
    Megy Maia

  29. We are practicing social distancing here...some people just don't get it though.

  30. Bill - at a time like this, I don't mind a little extra guidance. I just hope people have the good sense to follow it! Stay well!

  31. This virus has changed our way of living. I alternate between feeling very worried and feeling hopeful that we will have better attitudes after we survive this mess.

  32. Absolutely a good initiative and limiting ourselves will improve the situation everywhere. Take care

  33. it's the right and the only way! ew
