21 August, 2018

tug of war

Saturday the 11th was the Streetfest in Killybegs.  It rained but the folks showed up to watch and cheer the tug of war competitors down at the pier.  There were a few teams that competed and it was fun to watch.   I attached a video (46 sec) below if you are interested.

the winners on the right from the Harbour Bar

second place - Team Centra

the independent team in the second round got eliminated


  1. Hi Bill.

    Nice to see Bill.
    Nice to hear the encouragements on the video.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  2. Looks like great fun. I wish I was there, Bill. We could have shared a Guinness.

    God bless you.

  3. In contrary to your other pic's a lot of folk here. Nice.

  4. Keep commenting on my blog because I love your comments.

  5. That is very funny with the movie to it. I can feel the tension!

  6. What fun . . .
    Small town events like this are such fun, everyone seems to show up,
    with many of the “townies” participating too . . .

    Reminds me of our summers many years ago at my brothers cabin in Minnesota.
    The little, tiny berg of a town had the grandest parade on the 4th of July.
    The local high school band and floats would travel up the one block street
    turn around and travel back . . .
    If we really, really cheered, they would turn around and repeat again!
    Children would parade too with their bicycles and wagons.
    So fun!

    Thanks for this Bill . . . and for triggering my memory bank . . .

  7. Must be a few chafed hands after that tomfoolery!

  8. The people sound like Newfoundlanders. Love it!

  9. The video clearly demonstrates the crowd's enthusiasm. The action of the tug almost feels like a dance!

  10. Loved the video Bill, tug-o-war is so much fun to watch 😀

  11. Hello, this tug of war looks like a fun event to watch. Loved the video. Enjoy your day and week ahead!

  12. It must be a big event in town since so many people showed up to watch in the rain!

  13. I usually see this kind of competitions during the Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland Games. Love it. I missed them this year.

  14. There's nothing like a simple tug-a-war for fun.

  15. I am tired and sore from just watching the powerful struggle in this simple sport/game!

  16. That's a lot more serious than a tug of war I photographed during Buskerfest!

  17. That looks like fun for the spectators and hard work for the participants. I loved that video. They were certainly getting a lot of coaching.

  18. How fun! I love street festivals! The need to add the pit of mud in the middle of the tug of war, like in the movies lol!

  19. now that is a long time since I was in a tug of war

  20. Good to see so many people came to watch. What a nice event!

  21. look attractive.
    I love street festivals!

  22. I tried to watch the video but it froze the computer and made a horrible loud noise.... had to turn off and start again.

  23. I also love street fests. The video was great, those guys were really working. Loved the guy walking back and forth in the foreground with a glass of beer.

  24. So pleased you included the video.

    All the best Jan

  25. I don't think I have ever seen a tug of war on concrete - hard to get dug in!!! Great post and video!
