13 August, 2018

catching up

with the news.  You don't see too many people reading newspapers these days.


  1. Love all the flowers on the street; visually attractive place to sit for awhile.

  2. You don’t even see too many newspapers these days.

  3. You're right, Bill. You don't often see people reading the newspapers. Perhaps on trains and the London Underground trains. But not in public as in your photo.

    God bless.

  4. You are right about the newspapers... but it is nice to see someone on the street without a cell phone in their hands.

  5. ...catching up the old time way!

  6. Those who grew up with it are the last hold-outs for the newsprint!

  7. We have a local newspaper but really it's just full of advertisements, no news at all. I used to enjoy getting the Sunday papers.... lots to read. But I read the news on the internet now.

  8. Hi Bill.

    Nice and relaxing to read the newspaper so quietly.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  9. I could do that. Looks like a great way to spend an hour. Nice pic.

  10. That is so true! However, I do have a friend who still has a newspaper delivered to her door every day.

  11. Super shot here Bill.. if I get a chance I love reading the paper ☺

  12. Well you managed to photograph someone who still did! :))

  13. I read them every day! It is much better than on-line!

  14. I love the idea of real paper in my hands when I am reading. I am not into reading online or on kindle.
    Great people watching photo Bill!!!

  15. We all seem to read the news online!

    Lovely photograph, those flowers are pretty.

    All the best Jan

  16. I have not read a newspaper in ages. Just some titles at the supermarket. Cancelled my subscription years ago.

  17. You're right, though I must say we subscribe to two. My husband goes online but I like to have a paper. Same with magazines, too. Funny since I live part of my life blogging online.

  18. I like getting the newspaper but just cancelled it because it was getting so slim and it actually was yesterdays new by the time I got it. Sad

  19. I am a throwback. I begin every day by reading the Wall Street Journal and the local newspaper from whichever city I am in.

  20. No you don’t! We read them on our IPad tablets ourselves... I noticed a newspaper in front of our neighbors door the other day and was surprised because you just never see that anymore.
