16 October, 2017

monday mural - gillen's supermarket

A few months ago Gillen's Supermarket commissioned a new mural for their side wall where the customers park.  The artist is a very multi-talented local man, Brendan Farren, and the mural shows local scenes, Lough Foyle, the lighthouse and Cooley Cross.  It a long one and tough getting it in one image due to cars being there off and on all day and night.  The last photo is of the end.  Previously I showed its predecessor back in February,

Cooley Cross

 to see more murals from around the world click HERE


  1. Love the way how the mural is going over the piping. Nice one.

  2. The mural spruces up the neighbourhood.

  3. Ha Bill, weer een van die bijzondere muurschilderingen, inderdaad een getalenteerde kunstenaar. Mooie foto.
    Groet Kees.

  4. The artist did a great job! So much better than a bare concrete wall!

  5. I am pleased that so many cities around the world are using murals as street art to beautify the environment.

  6. 'Tis a beautiful piece and a wonderful idea to incorporate scenes from the town and area into the mural. It also makes Gillens easy to find! I hope that storm is passing you by!

  7. It is a very pretty mural Bill! I'm seeing more murals here lately and I love it.

  8. Hi Bill.

    Nice done, is more cozy than a white or gray wall.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  9. Love it! I hope all is well in your area ( with the storm).

  10. Nice mural. It's always hard to photograph long murals and there always seems to be cars around blocking the complete view.

  11. That mural is very nicely done with very pleasing colors. I hear on the news this morning that a big storm is headed your way. I hope you and your family are safe and sound.

  12. Very colourful, and welcoming to the eyes.

  13. It's good to see businesses putting attractive murals on the sides of their buildings. It is. A challenge to photograph some of them.

  14. You did a great job showing us the whole thing, Bill!
    I hope the weather isn't being too hard on you!

  15. These are great murals. Eugene is trying to add murals around town, the City even brought in what they said were world-famous muralists, but I am not fond of most of them. I feel like the artists were trying too hard to be original. (Or else I'm just old and cranky -- a pretty fair possibility).

  16. This is such a pretty mural, Bill!

  17. It's nice to see that Gillen's sees that wall as a place for community art. This is very different from its predecessor.
    I hope you've survived Ophelia unscathed. It sounds like the southwest took a beating.

  18. I like it's simplicity and colours Bill.. and it certainly improves the carpark space.

  19. It looks nice and colourful

    All the best Jan

  20. Very creative and talented artist. I love how once that mural started, it just kept on going until the end.

  21. Spare yet effective. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.
