21 October, 2017

front garden

this house has its  own wee waterfall.  It does sound relaxing when you listen to it. 

 that's quite the front garden, I like the wee bridge but would not want to do the upkeep.  I'm happy enough to see it and photograph it


  1. Hi Bill.

    Beautiful pictures Bill.
    Enjoy the sound so close to their home.

    Groettie from Patricia,

  2. Ha Bill, lijk me heerlijk om zo'n tuin te hebben, ziet er mooie en natuurlijk uit. Mooie foto's heb je er van gemaakt, de herfsttinten komen mooie tot z;n recht.
    Groet kees.

  3. It looks very pretty to have around the house.

  4. Great garden with a lot of nice corners.

  5. I pitched my tent near to a waterfall once. It was very soothing for the first hour or so then it began to irritate. I moved out first thing next morning. I hope the people in the house have double glazing.

  6. It's a beautiful garden but you need to have time to keep it a bit tidy.

  7. You have adapted the vocabulary of the country with your "wee bridge" and "wee waterfall"--both delightful parts of this environment.

  8. Wow, that is quite a garden! I would not mind having one like that... and a professional gardener as well... of course!!

  9. Just thinking of mowing & weeding & leaf gathering puts me right off but like you, I certainly enjoyed looking at it!

  10. Gosh it's a beautiful garden Bill.. to see and visit 😀

  11. I'm with you, Bill. I think other people ought to have gorgeous houses and lawns that they keep up so you and I can go out an photograph them when we're down with our lunch and our nap. :)

  12. How gorgeous, Bill! Thank you so much for sharing.

  13. That is a lot to maintain. I think I'd have to hire someone. It's pretty to look at though.

  14. That's my idea of a beautiful garden feature.

  15. There's nothing like the sound of water!

  16. Isn't that waterfall such a wonderful part of the garden, and such a very nice photograph.

    All the best Jan

  17. Lovely! I would love the sounds of a waterfall in my yard but have settled for a plug in fountain that sits on our deck. Still sounds relaxing.

  18. It is a really lovely landscape.
