18 May, 2020

being safe

"Paddy the Cope" Gallagher pictured beside The Cope supermarket. His somewhat unusual middle name 'The Cope' refers to his family connection to The Cope agricultural cooperative which operates in The Rosses area of Donegal. The name comes from the inability of one of the founder shareholders to say Co-Op - as he could pronounce Cope, the name The Cope was adopted.
Info courtesy of geograph.ie

Today we enter phase 1 which means
-a return to work for outdoor workers in areas such as construction, gardeners
-retailers who primarily operate outdoors such as garden centres, hardware stores and farmers markets will be allowed to reopen.
-allowed to exercise with others in small groups of up to four people while having no contact
still required is social distancing, 5km limit from home for exercise and if you don't need to be out then stay in.  There are 5 phases with about 3 weeks between each one.  Hopefully we will meet all the guidelines.


  1. I like the 'cape' story. (And the mask.) Best wishes in these difficult times.

  2. Crazy how different the countries cope with the virus.
    Sunny again here, 13C even, no rain. To a good new week, Bill!
    But send some rain over, OK?

  3. Interesting way of promoting a face mask. It looks like us Canadians and the Irish are in same phase. Stay safe and stay strong.

  4. It is very funny the statue with the mask on!
    From June 1 we have to wear a mask only in public transport.
    Have a nice day, Bill!

  5. Here's to hoping all goes well with the phases. Love the mask, certainly would remind people to wear one. We don't have to and I never see a mask on anyone here.

  6. Great picture for these times we are living in. I hope your week is a good one.

  7. ...this has become a common sight here too, take care Bill.

  8. My friend, a taxi driver, works from home. You phone him at home and he gives you directions how to walk to your destination.

    God bless.

  9. Hello, love the masked statue. We are in phase one here too. I know people will be happy the hair salon/barber shops will be open. Take care!
    Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

  10. If people are sensible and respect the guidelines you will proceed in an orderly fashion from one stage to another, otherwise you will go right back to confinement.

  11. we should use face mask to protect ourselves and others.

  12. Good story on the name. Good luck on the getting back to new normal.

  13. Things will start to loosen up here a bit starting tomorrow. Still no gathering at all but some stores can open with social distancing.

  14. They opened up some things here too. The one I was surprised at was the opening of restaurants. And, people have been flocking to them. Not me, not yet.

  15. We have a similar public statue here in nashua, NH that someone masked up and I posted. A few more restrictions listed here this week, the biggest one being that outdoor dining is allowed with distancing. One local restaurant also told us there would be time limits on how long diners can take to eat their meals.

  16. I love the story of cope my friend, thank you so much for giving that knowledge piece. Glad to hear about Phase 1 there in Ireland. Here it's crazy, the numbers are still at the peak but the government decides to open all businesses for the economy not really for the safety of people :( have a great week ahead my friend Bill!

  17. Neat statue and story...someone was thoughtful in giving him a mask.
    Stay Safe Bill and Shari, too.

  18. We’re well into phase 1 here and trying to live by it.

  19. Even the statues are Covid compliant these days. Good one Bill.

  20. Well that was very thoughtful of someone to give him a mask!
    Hope Phase 1 goes well.
    Keep on staying safe.

    All the best Jan

  21. Hope that everything will go well so that we have a nice summer

  22. Estar a salvo, es lo que deseamos todos.

    En Andalucía, que es donde yo vivo, también estamos en fase 1.


  23. The mask made me smile.
    Outside workers have never stopped working here and we were always allowed to be outside.

  24. Wonder if the mask will be worn for a long time to come.

    Stay safe. Stay healthy.

  25. Cope Story was lovely. . . Bill you Have a Nice and Safe day. . . :)

  26. Good improvement over the situation there and hope normalcy of movements returns.

  27. Here, too, several restrictions have been eased or lifted today. But the butt keeps on being careful.

  28. I like that mask on the sculpture. Your guidelines are much stricter than over here. I hope they do the trick. I think we're pushing it a bit fast in the US, so my husband and I will be slow to join the rush to whatever will be considered normal.

  29. We are in a similar phase of reopening here, also meaning my working from home will be ending soon.

  30. Your reopening seems slower and more careful than I am seeing in many parts of the United States. I suspect we will regret going too fast.
