06 April, 2019

saturday critters

 seagulls and a couple of swans hanging out in the harbour

the next two photos are the same birds, different perspective

these swans are further down at the other end of the harbour

to see other critters from around the globe, click here


  1. Very nice pictures. I especially love the swans.
    Enjoy the weekend.

  2. Two species of bird that would be much admired if they were just a little less common. There's nothing more graceful than a swan on water and very little more effortless than a gull riding the breeze.

  3. Swans in salt water, a first for me.

  4. Hello, the swans are a beautiful sight. Lovely captures. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thanks for leaving me a comment.

  5. I am surprised to see swans swimming in sea water. I'd expected them to be on rivers and lakes. Is their satellite navigation system not working properly?

    God bless.

  6. The swans are so gracefully, nice photos.

  7. Thanks to Google I found out that just above the eyes and under the skin, swans have a gland that enables them to drink saltwater. This gland removes salt from their bloodstream and concentrates it into a solution that is excreted from their nostrils, which the swan can shake its head to clear.

  8. Nice photos. I especially liked the third one.

  9. Swans are a very majestic bird.

  10. It's always a bit weird for me seeing the white swans Bill, as it would be for you seeing our black swans 😊 Love harbour scenes.

  11. They’ve found a perfect little spot!

  12. Nice images, Bill, the swans look always very elegant...

  13. Swans are so elegant no matter where you see them. They give everything a bit of class!

  14. It's so good to see the swans back here!

  15. Lovely photographs Bill, it's always nice to see some swans.
    Happy weekend wishes to you.

    All the best Jan

  16. Hi Bill.

    Beautiful pictures with the Swans and the seagulls.

    Greeting from Patricia.

  17. Nice photos and looks the harbor needs some cleaning.

  18. How amazing to see the swans out like that. I we don't see them in the wild very often here. Enjoy your week ahead! Keep that camera handy! You take amazing photos!
