08 April, 2019

monday mural

As part of the 2017 Culture Night celebrations, Letterkenny Cathedral Quarter will be unveiling two murals of the former residents of No. 1 Church Lane - John and Gerard Crerand.
As the group celebrates these two well-known figures, they are calling on former paperboys and former learner drivers from the town first driving school "Letterkenny School of Motoring" to join them  The Cathedral Quarter would love to hear from anyone who has memories or stories.

Info courtesy of Donegal Now

John Crerand

Gerard Crecand

No. 1 Church Lane
to see other murals from around the globe visit Sami's Colourful World


  1. Hi Bill.

    What nice wall paintings are these.
    Very nice.

    Greeting from Patricia.

  2. A bit strange way to present murals. The house is not in use anymore?

  3. Very well painted, intriguing to paint them on the windows!

  4. Are these painted on the inside of the windows?

    God bless.

    1. The mural is painted on wood and placed over the window outside.

  5. These former residents are unknown to me ... but they are well-remember by those murals.

    best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  6. Hello, they are beautiful painted. Great murals. Happy Monday, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy new week!

  7. I wonder if the house is abandoned, otherwise with the murals painted on the windows the house doesn't get any light. Thanks for participating Bill.

  8. Nice murals and I love the way they have chosen to exhibited them.
    The red car adds to this photo.

  9. Love the houses right on the sidewalk. It is interesting to see driving referred to as motoring.

  10. Those are very nicely done. I bet the stories will be interesting.

  11. School of Motoring sounds so cool. I can just picture all the old vehicles!

  12. I like the mural and the ideas before them. I have to look up the Crerands and the school of motoring.

  13. Thank you for sharing these murals, they are nicely done.

    All the best Jan

  14. Het is een mooie herinnering aan deze personages Bill, teven een goede versiering voor de ramen.
    Ik ben tevens begonnen met een nieuwe fotowebsite Bill, hier is de link voor als je eens wild kijken, hij wordt steeds uitgebreid met nieuwe foto's.
    Groet Kees.
    Groet kees.

  15. Ha Bill, U bent een van de fijnste blogvrienden en kijk ook altijd uit naar je nieuwe blogpost. Ik kom nog even bij terug, Dank je wel voor de mooie reactie op mijn nieuwe fotowebsite ik ben er erg dankbaar voor, ik hoop dat we nog veel van elkaar mogen horen.
    Groet van een overzeese vriend.

  16. Very nice. Such a charming little building too!

  17. What a nice tribute to these guys!

  18. They are very well done, almost looks like they were created from charcoal.

  19. Nice murals and I especially like how you managed to get a red car parked in your third shot.

  20. Cool murals. Loved the last pic the best!
