09 April, 2019

ATM machine madness

listening to the radio today a  news bulletin had the story of another ATM robbery in Northern Ireland.  In these cases the ATM machine itself was taken, ripped from the building.  The robbers are using a digger to accomplish their task.  They alao had a van with a hole in the roof to put the ATM in and drive away.  This was the eighth ATM robbery this year and it took only four minutes.  You would think someone would hear this noise in the early hours of the morning.
Not all ATM's are located outside the bank they belong to like this one in Killybegs.

You can see the story and video HERE (Courtesy of the RTE)


  1. There was a spate of this kind of theft in England some years ago. It all stopped fairly suddenly so I suspect some kind of measures were put in place to prevent such crimes, though I have no idea what was done. Lets hope they catch these criminals quickly.

  2. Nothing new. Happens here also.

  3. Gracias por tu visita i aportacion te lo agradezco mucho

    Un abrazo

  4. The same here, they blow up the whole machine with explosives and grab the money.

  5. What a sad world we live in.

    God bless.

  6. ...modern day bank robberies.

  7. Wow, those ATM robbers are bold. Enjoy your day!

  8. We had a series of those type of thefts some years ago but none recently. I can't believe they can get a whole machine out of the wall and into a van in four minutes. They really know what they are doing. Do they ever find the empty machines discarded somewhere?

    1. They haven't found any of the ATM's yet unless they are not reporting it.

  9. You wonder if what they're taking really is worth the risk of a jail sentence.

  10. Wow, that's bold to take the whole ATM machine.

  11. ATMs are favorite targets here too. They get some kind of heavy equipment to tear the machine from it's anchor. Yes, why can't people hear all this commotion.

  12. I haven't heard of here for a while now but I'm sure it is still happening.

  13. Wow!!! I wonder how long they practiced before they had all the details worked out.

  14. Seems criminals are getting more brazen of late! Around here also.

  15. Yes, I saw about this on our news … quite shocking!
    Lets hope they find those responsible soon.

    All the best Jan

  16. Really bold of the robbers. Such a shame.

  17. Unbelievable if I hadn't seen the video. It's hard to believe they can move in and out so fast, render that kind of destruction, and not be noticed.

  18. Amazing courage and conviction!

  19. Yes, you would think the noise alone would have sent out an alert to wrongdoing in progress.

  20. They really planned this. That is scary.

  21. Goodness! They certainly went for the mother lode.

  22. Good heavens eight atm robberies, that's huge Bill, but they will push their luck too far and get caught one day!

  23. Nothing different from India as well!

  24. I find it hard to believe that you can rip an ATM from a building in 4 minutes, even with a digger. And how would you practice it to know that it can be done?
