17 April, 2019

blue and yellow

I wonder if there is anything in the container.


  1. Ha Bill, Ja Als je zoiets tegen komt vraag je je dat echt af, je wordt er dan echt nieuwsgierig naar., fijne dag toegewenst.
    groet kees.

  2. Hi Bill.

    In any case, there is already mess next to it.

    Greeting from Patricia.

  3. Unexpected to see the container here.
    I hope your day is a great one.

  4. Looks like a dump place to me but such a container you don't overlook.

  5. A container in an isolated place , it seems.

  6. I have no room, just put it overthere please :)

  7. It fell off the back of a lorry.

    God bless.

  8. That container seems to be in the middle of nowhere. I wonder why it's there. (I would've taken a peek inside, to see if anything was in it. ;-)

    And I liked your suggestion that Teddy might like a biscuit with his coffee. (A scone or Irish soda bread would be good, too. The grocery stores in the US usually only have Irish soda bread around Saint Patrick's Day, and the rest of the year, it's hard to find, unfortunately.)

  9. Hello, Seems out of place. I have watched a show where they make homes out of these containers. It is amazing what they can do. Wishing you a happy day!

  10. ...perhaps a Cub Scout meeting house.

  11. It is a wonder someone hasn’t put graffiti on it! That’s what might happen here anyway.

  12. Eye sore in an otherwise pretty landscape. But I could imagine that it has a shipment of rubber ducks.

  13. I'm guessing that it is empty! Good catch of blue & yellow!

  14. Nice caption as there's more blue and yellow than we think.

  15. Love the difference between the yellows...rough and delicate.
    I wouldn't want to open that container.
    Nice photo Bill.

  16. It does have an interesting paint job. Yellow and blue make a nice combo.

  17. Gracias por aceptar mi blog y no decir que mierda de idioma es este cuando encuentras poemas no escritos en castellano o en otro que no es tuya.
    Te lo agradezco mucho.

  18. The land is so pretty with bush. I would not be looking in it. With so many happenings this year. Could be a body or who knows.

  19. Perhaps an unusual place to find a container.
    The yellow gorse looks nice.

    All the best Jan

  20. Lately I've seen these used for both hotels and high end housing. This one looks like it may have been left off and forgotten.

  21. My over active imagination thinks there may be a dead body in there, yikes!

  22. Oh now you have our curiosity piqued Bill 😀
