18 January, 2018

window washer

making sure the windows are clean.  I thought it was strange to see especially in the fog.   I took this photo last week.  It has been some real bad weather this week so I've been staying in and reading.  Hope your weather is better.


  1. ...and I hope that it gets better too,

  2. Oh! I was telling someone the other day- my mother was not that great of a housekeeper -being on a hard-working farm and having an ill husband- but her windows were always clean! Love this picture, Bill!

  3. No such luck, Bill! Have a great day!

  4. Ha! I was out cleaning my kitchen window in the fog a couple of days ago. I soon thought better of it however and have left the other windows for another day.

  5. Hi Bill.

    Nice picture so in the fog.
    But strange to do this in the fog cleaning the windows.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  6. We're having our most frigid morning here in years...brr

  7. Hello Bill.
    Yes..it looks strange cleaning the windows in the fog!
    Lovely picture!
    It’s very windy and cold today,yesterday we had a sunny day and people swimming in the sea!!!
    Enjoy your afternoon!

  8. Indeed an unusual sight in that kind of weather.

  9. I agree, that doesn't seem like the best weather to be washing windows.

  10. I really enjoy seeing these snapshots of Moville life! Great photo Bill!

  11. Rain or shine here is a very dedicated homeowner!
    : )

  12. Well, whether the windows are clean or not, the view will still be foggy!

  13. I guess when you have a job to do, it doesn't matter what the weather is. We have sunshine here, but it is very cold.

  14. That's funny to see his washing windows in the fog, which is mist and rain and miserable. But you gotta do what you gotta do. I think that staying inside and reading when there's inclement weather is a winner!

  15. I need to clean my windows! Maybe this weekend when it will get up to +5˚C.

  16. Nou Bill, bij ons heeft het flink gestormd. Zeer veel schade over het hele land.
    Groet kees.

  17. Mist adds such a delightful element to photography. Terrific shot!

  18. Funny to see in the fog! Glad you have enjoyed reading during the bad weather. We were snowed/iced in yesterday and thankfully I had a few good books to read.

  19. Our snow should melt tomorrow. I hope yours improves.

  20. Give the guy points for being out washing windows. No washing windows here these days.

  21. This is a marvelous photograph. Keep warm! The weather in Mumbai is hot in the day and just about cool at nights :)

  22. I like the contrasts in this shot, the strong plants in the front. Staying in and reading sounds like a perfect way to spend a day or three.

  23. The same here, reading and watching television, oh and blogging :)
    Have no urge to clean the windows either..

  24. I wonder if the washing task is easier during a fog?? Don't know since I usually avoid my dirty windows during all kinds of weather.

  25. That seems a wee bit pointless to me Bill, I would rather be cosy indoors reading a book 😀

  26. The same here... it's better stay in and do what ever you want to do.
    Nice weather to clean windows... but if this day was the window-cleaning-day, so he had to do it now :)

  27. Perhaps a little strange to clean windows in the fog, but it does make a good photograph.

    All the best Jan
