05 January, 2018

bags of coal

the delivery people had a busy day delivering coal to their customers. 


  1. Still using coal. Still remember the smell of burning it in the fifties. Now it is disappeared in the Netherlands.

  2. Coal? That is long ago I have seen that.

  3. ...some rural folks use coal here.

  4. It has been a longtime since I have seen coal burning for heating a house.

  5. The coalman used to be a regular visitor during my childhood. And before the war my grandfather delivered coal by horse-and-cart in the Kings Cross area of London.

  6. I remember shoveling coal into the furnace when I was a kid - in Duluth, Minnesota. That would have been in the mid-40s. I would have thought no one used coal anymore. But I was wrong. First time, ever. :) [That may be a bit of an exaggeration]!

    Perhaps this house houses bad kids and these bags were left for them by Santa?

  7. I didn’t realize coal burning was still a thing. That amount of coal wouldn’t last too long, would it?

  8. There are fewer and fewer coal delivery men here as most people buy their coal at at petrol station. Nothing beats a roaring fire on a winer's night!

  9. I think they're going to need a few more bags Bill 😀

  10. As long as it was the delivery people and not Santa!

  11. I don't recall it ever being sent around to areas where I lived. Occasionally the oil truck would come in and pump into the reserve tanks for the home's heat.

  12. Coal delivery! That's a new one for me! I have seen coal chutes on some of the old places I explore and I know there are coal mines around.

  13. Something we do not see here. A great daily life scene!

  14. Hello Bill!
    Lovely black white ,street photo!
    We buy coal for our BBQ.
    Have a lovely evening,and a great weekend!

  15. I haven't seen coal in years. Didn't know it was still being used to heat homes!

  16. Lovely composition with the black strip on the left!

  17. Coal? I thought Santa delivered that. (I see others had the same thought. Sorry.) Is peat still used much for heat?

  18. Hello, It's been a long time since I've seen coal used for heating. I am taking a break from posting on my blog but I will still be visiting/commenting here. We are not able to be out and about during the cold weather and I have nothing new to share! lol Hope you both are enjoying the weekend.

  19. Coal here Today coal deliveries, yesterday mobile banks. Kind of like going back to the '40s or '50s.
