04 January, 2018

AIB Mobile Bank

Opening the mobile bank.  There used to be a branch here in town before I moved here and it closed.  This gentleman will be standing on the sidelines and chatting with the locals once they come by and stop to say hi.  The bank does close for an hour for lunch  12:30-1:30.
Allied Irish Banks has four mobile Community Banks which cover over 30 rural locations in Donegal, Mayo, Limerick, Clare, Kerry, Cork, Tipperary and Galway.  This mobile comes every Wednesday to Moville.  It opens at 11:15 and leaves town at 3:30.


  1. First time I think I've seen a mobile bank!
    Rural communities need them so I'm sure he's busy!

  2. Think they will need to start doing that here the way Banks are closing in the UK

  3. I have the feeling that I am looking at a modern version of a stage coach. Driving through the country followed by crooks to get the money. Money transported on wheels is always asking for trouble but perhaps the Irish are to civilized to doe this kind of deeds.

  4. That is a nice service of the bank, to come the the people instead of hanging on the phone for ages.

  5. What an interesting concept. People in rural areas certainly do need services such as this one to make aspects of their lives more convenient I think that s.c.'s words of caution are realistic, and I do not think that I would want to be the person responsible for this service, much as it might be needed and appreciated!

  6. I've never heard of such a thing. A bank on wheels running away with your money. What could go wrong? Any holdups yet on dark roads in the night? Is this the only bank in town?

    On the other hand, for people who can't get to their own bank or do all their banking on-line this would be a good thing. Most interesting, Bill!

    I just had a visual thought: The bankers (VPs and tellers) are sitting in a cafe having lunch when they look out the window and see their bank rolling down the street. Heh, heh! Might make for a funny movie.

  7. Such a great idea. We don’t have them here!

  8. Well how about that! I've heard of mobile libraries Bill but never mobile banks.. the gentleman is checking you out 😀

  9. Now that is a concept that has not reached us yet. What a great idea!

  10. That's an idea I've never heard of. Here , they just close the bank and put your account in a bank that is far away.

  11. I haven't heard of this either. Sometimes you really need to have a bank to visit rather than do everything on line!

  12. Hello Bill!
    I’m so impressed...i have never heard before for a mobile bank!
    What a great idea!
    Thank you very much for your visit and your kind comment!
    Have a lovely evening!
    My love to Ireland!

  13. Never heard of a drive in bank---cool!

  14. I would feel a bit wary about a bank on wheels.

  15. I had never heard of a mobile bank. That is very good!

  16. That's a new one to me, a mobile bank. And a banker as a truck driver of sorts. Interesting concept!

  17. This is new to me. A fascinating picture and idea. Lovely to learn more about your beautiful country.
