21 January, 2018

wall repair

a few places around town have to be repaired.   I wonder if the stormy weather caused some of the problems.

this house is on Ballynally Road.

this stone wall is on the main road.  


  1. Hi Bill.

    Nice that it is quickly refurbished.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  2. It can be tricky to repair old walls. And build new ones. Someone near me had a wall built on his property last summer.It looked until it just fell back onto the lawn.

  3. It doesn't look like damage by wind unless a tree hit it fallen .

  4. The street name Ballynally reminds me of our surname - Nalley. I especially love the old stone wall.

  5. The name of the street sounds so nice to me.

  6. ...with the first one, perhaps the shrubs are getting too big.

  7. The weather has been wild this winter, Bill.

    Ballynally. What a lovely name!

  8. I love stone walls, Bill. We have lived in many houses over the years and I always have some kind of 'rock' thing going. One of my new neighbors that I had not met yet asked me if I was Irish. I laughed and asked why he asked me that---he said---well, the Irish LOVE rocks in their landscaping. lol

    Have a wonderful, blessed Sunday- Diana

  9. Hello Bill.
    Such a lovely stone wall!
    Here you can find stone walls at the countryside!
    Wonderful pictures!
    Have a happy week!

  10. The first wall looks sturdy. The last one not so much, but it has more character. :)

  11. I think a car hit that first wall.

  12. Just look at those gorgeous winter trees! Gosh it would have to be crazy wild weather to blow over one of those sturdy brick walls! I wish I lived on Ballynally Road.. just so I could say it more often 😀😀

  13. I had the same thought as Shammickite: it looks as if a car crashed into it.

  14. It almost looks like someone might have driven through that wall. I hear that your part of the world has been experiencing some very wild wind storms lately.

  15. Hay Bill, het muurtje knap er weer van op, maar het oude muurtje heeft toch ook wel wat hoor.
    Groet Kees.

  16. was it Frost who said walls make wonderful neighbors?

  17. Never see a stone wall in these parts---we just have too many trees.

  18. I just realized my comment could be taken as callus---we have trees and more trees and here logging is done judiciously and replanted.

  19. That stone wall is quite appealing, Bill!

  20. I love all things stone, but especially stone walls. I remember seeing many of them in New England. Hopefully, this can be restored to its former glory!

  21. Hello, I wanted to mention how much I love the view in your header photo. It is beautiful. I am glad the stone wall was there, it may keep a vehicle from hitting the house? Enjoy your day and week ahead!

  22. Nice that they are repaired quickly.

  23. That stone wall is very pretty. I wonder if the first wall will look the same afterwards or if you'll be able to see the repair.

  24. I wonder if someone had a few too many as they drove on the Ballynally Road. That other wall looks like a real classic.

  25. Well, perhaps fences do "make good neighbours" since it looks like repairing the walls are high priority to tidy up the 'hood

  26. Lots of that going around here in Florida...still repairing damage from the Hurricane.
