10 January, 2018

Slí na Sláinte

means "Path of health".  It is an initiative developed by the Irish Heart Foundation, with the aim to encourage and increase the number of people walking.  It provides an easy accessible and inexpensive environment for regular exercise for walkers throughout the country.
Yellow signs on blue poles are placed at one-kilometre intervals along each established walking route. These signs allows walkers to keep track of how far they walk and the signs are not numbered so walkers can start and finish at whatever point they like.
Info courtesy of Wikipedia.

Linking to signs signs


  1. Good initiative and also a nice landing post by the look of it.

  2. That is well done and very necessary. Have to pull hubby from the house daily to get a walk...:)

  3. A great idea and nice service for everyone.

  4. Love the intent of the sign. I just joined a hiking club to strengthen my damaged foot plus my overall body health, and it feels good to get out and walk farther than I normally would. Start hiking, Bill!!

  5. That is wonderful. We have to keep moving...
    : )

  6. Hi Bill.

    Good idea Bill, the walkers know what they have done.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  7. Hello Bill !
    Lovely sign and wonderful picture with the crow sitting on top!
    Thank you for the information!
    Have a happy afternoon!

  8. This is a wonderful idea. We have similar walking paths here. From what I've heard, walking is good for the heart. I'm not convinced, though. May dad walked and walked and walked and ended up having a series of strokes that left him bedridden. I guess everyone is different and there is no sure remedy for every person.

  9. Good promotion. Now did the crow just happen to be there?

  10. Wow! What a smart thing to do. We have lots of walking trails here but they are not 'marked' with any sort of distance on them. Love this idea-the Irish are so smart (says the woman that claims Irish roots-lol)...Diana

  11. A very good idea. And as an added benefit, it provides birds with handy perches.

  12. Great idea! I am sure the scenery is nice as well!

  13. Lovely picture and a wonderful way to encourage good health.

  14. Now if there was a pub with a pint ever kilometer, I might be tempted to go for some long walks. Fine sign photo.

  15. Lovely photograph of a wonderful initiative!

  16. Great idea! Even the local birds are tracking the distances they fly, from sign to sign, right?

  17. I love going for a walk whether it's on a trail or not. Good idea to mark the distance for people. I wonder how often the trails are used. Here's to good health for you in 2018!

  18. I should get out walking more, and these signs would help someone like me who doesn't have a fitbit (or what we used to know as a pedometer!)

  19. I just love this sign! Walking is my favorite exercise. Sil na Slante sounds so much better than 'path of health' ... I will try to remember (and wish I could pronounce it perfectly the way it should be said!)
