22 November, 2017

Moville Drama Group

Presents - The 2 Loves of Gabriel Foley

Gabriel Foley is a middle-aged bachelor farmer, who lives with his elderly mother. He has been unlucky in love many times, much to his mother’s frustration. She thinks she’ll never get rid of him. Then he meets upmarket, Hazel Myers and joins the posh drama group in the nearby town in order to romance her.
He is unaware that Chrissie McCabe – a cheerful countrywoman, who comes in to help him and his mother – fancies him. By the time Chrissie makes her feelings known to Gabriel, he has already got Hazel’s attention. He and Chrissie decide to try going out together. He tries to let Hazel down gently, but Hazel is not a woman to give up easily.

linking to signs signs


  1. So a story that can occupy the whole day if you are not really carefully. Nice sign as is also what must be a ladder car from the fire brigade.

  2. That sure is one interesting sign, and even more interesting drama.

  3. Sounds like trouble to me. Also great fun. Gabriel is probably going to learn the hard way some of life's important lessons re: women. The most important, of course, is that he never will understand them. :))

  4. An interesting story, I hope it has a good end for all.

  5. What a great concept, I would definitely go to that dramatic production. And I like the idea of no tickets, just pay at the door.

  6. Oh Gabriel!!! Hope he final finds his love match! What a fun sign and I'm sure it will be an enjoyable play!

  7. Two loves or a triangle affair? Community theatre is always good entertainment. I have been blogging and commenting sporadically lately, but I have missed my daily blogging "fix." Life gets complicated sometimes! Hope that you have a lovely Thanksgiving!

  8. A drama indeed Bill, there's nothing more fearsome than a woman scorned.. so they say 😀

  9. Oh dear, sounds like trouble ahead.

  10. Cool sign! Given that it's a play, the love triangle has to come to an end, unlike, oh, a soap opera, which they can drag it out for years on end.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry John, somehow your comment got deleted. I having problems with my cursor going crazy so I assume that was the culprit.

    2. Here is John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" comment that got deleted.

      Lucky old Gabriel!

    3. I'm doing thegentleman in second act I've never seen it love any help

  12. The group must have had fun getting ready for this presentation!

  13. That sounds great! I’d love to see it.

  14. Sounds an intriguing play.
    Are you going?

    All the best Jan

  15. Oh, the perfect complications for a play! Sounds like fun.

  16. I'm Jimmy Keary, the writer of 'The Two Loves of Gabriel Foley'. Wishing Moville Drama Group a successful run with my play.
    I wrote the play in 2010.
    If anyone would like further information about my work, go to:

    1. I need help I'm the gentleman in second act
