29 November, 2017

crazy weather day

Started out the day visiting the veg man down in the Square.  We were there about 10 minutes before it began to hail.  It was so loud hitting the awning I thought it was going to collapse.  It didn't.

After dropping our groceries, I headed out for a quick walk and was greeted by some sun.  You never know how long that will last. 

 I liked how the sun highlighted this stone wall.

the sky was getting dark again but the rain held off.  Crazy weather these days!


  1. This is exactly the weather we have here too! You got the hail very good in a photo and than always the sunshine after as if nothing has happpened before:)

  2. Bieb said it already. We all have to do with it.

  3. ...lately our weather has been crazy good!

  4. Hi Bill.

    Nice pictures Bill of the weather.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  5. Nothing quite like that down here yet, but it'll soon be on its way, no doubt.

  6. Rain day after day.... I too know the feeling.
    But look at the LIGHT you got in your photos.

  7. It is very changeable here as well. Nice photos!

  8. It's the same here Bill, the weather can be so changeable in one day, but probably not so much the hail and rainy periods that you have.. more like sunny, then less sunny 😀

  9. Beautiful photos, Bill. As we say in Newfoundland, “If you don’t like the weather, wait ten minutes.”

  10. It looks like you had a little bit of every kind of weather all in one day! It sure makes pretty pictures though!

  11. What a fun post. You went through a month of weather in one day. I wonder what the hail was going on and then when things got nice you were yawning under the awning until the sun came out! Love it!

  12. Hail never seems to last long, but while it's falling, it can be downright painful.

  13. Crazy!
    I like the second picture, let's embrace winter, there is no other way. :)

  14. It seems to be the same everywhere with the crazy weather. Hail always scares me since I once had a car badly damaged by it one day - broken windshield and major dents all over .

  15. I like the hail photo and the dramatic skies. Nice and sunny here today but cold with a wind blowing.

  16. That's wild weather! So changeable but really nice and to see the sun out!

  17. I love it and the photos you get from it. You just described a typical Colorado Front Range summer day - sunny morning, thunderstorm (often with hail) in the afternoon, and evening sun highlighting the big storms that have moved off to the east.

  18. That is crazy weather all in one day! I haven't seen hail in a long time.

  19. That looks like quite a lot of hail. This time of year there's no hesitating about taking a walk if the weather breaks for a while. And the light can be magnificent, as your third and fourth photos show.

  20. The stone wall in the sunlight is gorgeous!

  21. looks like winter is not far ! :)

  22. What a mixed up weather day ...
    But it enabled you to get some great photographs ...

    All the best Jan
