26 July, 2021


we are moving to Bunbeg.  The house that our flat is located in got sold this past January.  We decided we wanted to move instead of signing a new lease because there are some serious problems that needed to be addressed and the new owner didn't seem interested.  He bought this building without even looking at it which I thought was crazy. Who does that anyway?   Downstairs is an office like setup that has been vacate since we moved here.  Also being in a long lock down created its own problems for us too.  We were looking but couldn't view anything because of Covid.  Then this place came up and we went to see it and decided it would be a good move for us.  I'll be taking a break from blogging but will return with lots of new photos.  Have a great time blogging, taking photos, writing stories or whatever it is you do and enjoy.


  1. Uh-oh. I sent you a parcel. To your "old" address...
    Hope it follows you and hope it´s a great new home :-)

    1. We will be moving gradually by bus! So we will be back and forth between places until 20 August!

    2. You won't believe this, but as soon as I posted the above reply, the postman knocked on the door and handed me your parcel! Bill is opening it now!

    3. :-( Good news! Hope you both like it, it´s just a bit...

  2. Wish you much luck with another move again! You become a professional this way!

  3. Hope everything goes smooth and not to much rain during transport.Till later.

  4. Congratulations on your new move. Wishing everything goes smoothly and you are soon settled in your new home. Take care and enjoy the adventure.

    God bless you and your family always.

  5. ...good luck with your move.

  6. I hope you can solve all those problems and find the most suitable place to move. I hope you can soon be back on your blog to visit your daily photos.
    Greetings, Bill.

  7. Good luck with your move, I hope all goes smoothly.
    Take care, have a great new week!

  8. i hope that all goes well with the move, Bill. Seems like it was not too long ago that you moved to where you are now. We are coming up on eighteen years in the same house which would now sell for three times what we paid for it. How crazy is that?

  9. Good luck with your move, look forward to your return.
    Take care.

  10. All the best with the move and the new flat in Bunbeg!

  11. I look forward to your posts from Bunbeg. What a great name! Good luck with the move.

  12. Stay safe. I am looking forward to your adventures in Bunbeg Village.

  13. ...waiting for following your new adventures (and to watch many photos).
    All the best!

  14. I hope you have a good move and enjoy all that the new place has to offer.

  15. Oh that's a nuisance Bill, especially if you were settled there but I've just watched a wee video about Bunbeg and it looks like an absolutely delightful village and you will still be by the water. Can't wait to see your photos when you have settled in. Sending good vibes for a problem free move 💜

  16. Glad you were able to find a new place you are happy with. Good luck with the move!

  17. Now I will have to check where Bunbeg is.

  18. Have a smooth move...and I await new visions from your camera!

  19. I hope things go smoothly with the move and can't wait to see new photos.

  20. Moving house has always been a difficult process. Take it easy Bill, I will miss your posts and especially your photos:)

  21. Congratulations on your new house and move. Hope it all goes smoothly. It does take a while to get settled into a new place.

  22. Good luck with the move and I look forward to discovering a new area through your pics, Bill!

  23. Till soon Bill when you are moved. Congrats.

  24. Sometimes circumstances push us to make that move we've been intending to do. Good luck with the move and I'm looking forward to your new photos.

  25. All the best with the move and shift to new environment. Take care

  26. Looking forward to the new you.

  27. Good luck on the move, Bill, as it's always a lot of work packing up, moving it all, and then unpacking. Hopefully, the distance is not that far from your current residence and looking forward to photos in the future once you are settled in. Since the new landlord doesn't seem interested in maintenance, moving sounded a better alternative.

  28. Espero que disfrutes de tus vacaciones y esa vivienda, que has encontrado en un mejor lugar.

  29. Hola Bill, que todo valla bien, hasta la vuelta.

  30. Glad you have a new place to live. Good luck with the move. Look forward to when you return to blogging and seeing the photos.

  31. Se te extrañara, me alegro que te mudaras para ir a un lugar mejor te mando un gran abrazo a ti y a tu familia.

  32. Bill, você deve estar ocupado com a mudança,
    isso dar trabalho!
    Boa sorte em seu novo lar!


  33. Well, shoot, I'm going to miss you. But that's good news on the new place, and I know moving takes a lot of time and energy. Can't wait to see your new posts, Bill.

  34. Good luck Bill!
    Moving is not easy but new place would give you new energy!

  35. Hi Bill.

    Good luck with the move and see you soon.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  36. Hola! mucho animo, espero que todo salga bien. Saludos

  37. Good luck on your move and new adventures!

  38. Good luck on your move. And I look forward to seeing your next place in photos. Thank you for your continued visits to my blog. Go well. Jo

  39. Good luck and best wishes with your move.
    Happy settling in - look forward to seeing and reading more soon.

    All the best Jan

  40. Good Luck and best wishes with the move.

    Can't wait to see photos of your new town!

  41. Sad when a landlord doesn't want to upgrade the property for the tenants but I hope the move goes well.

  42. I hope you have fun in your new digs. Always a challenge to move and yet another adventure.

  43. I hope you like the new place more than the old one. Looking forward to all the new pictures.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Oh, dear Bill, then I wish you and Shari a good move!
    All the best, Traude

  46. Espero que goste do local escolhido, Boa sorte!
    Mudar as vezes é preciso, Abraços!

  47. Bill - good luck with the move, and I look forward to photos from your new home/area!

  48. Best wishes on a happy and successful move! I know nothing about Bunbeg except that they are about to gain a couple of talented lovely people. Looking forward to your pictures and stories once you get settled in.

  49. Que tudo corra bem com a sua mudança, Bill! Cá ficamos aguardando o seu regresso!
    De momento, também eu ando mais ausente, resolvendo problemas num apartamento meu, que ficou danificado, nos tetos, com a reparação de terraços por cima, que a obra decidida e autorizada pelo condomínio originou... em 2019. Só agora em que ameacei recorrer a meios legais, é que estão seriamente a pensar em fazer algo, para resolver o meu problema... 3 martelos automáticos a funcionar em simultâneo... e os estuques da divisões por baixo dos terraços, não aguentaram... entaladelas e infiltrações, foi o que esta última obra ao prédio, me deixou como recordação... nas obras anteriores foi um estore de cozinha partido... quando escoraram andaimes a um estore... Sinceramente, há com cada mente brilhante, na área da construção, danificando mais, do que recuperando...
    Um grande abraço! Saúde, e votos de tudo a correr pelo melhor!

  50. It will be all good!

    Looking forward to see your new place!!It is exciting! :))Hope it is a house with a little garden :))

    Wishing you all good Bill

  51. Good Morning! May the Holy Family of Nazareth bless us in another week on the protection of the Lord 🙏

  52. A new place to explore!!
    Happy moving!
    Looking forward to see your pictures.

  53. Well Congrats And Safe Travels Mr Bill


  54. Hey Bill hope you are doing okay. Missing your posts. How's the new place?

  55. I hope you enjoy your new place!

  56. We miss you!Hope all is good down in Bunberg -"the small river mouth"

    Happy weekend!

  57. Toi, toi, toi ... I wish you the best of luck and joy in your new place of residence, dear Bill. And of course I'm curious and looking forward to your pictures An Bun Beag and maybe also from Gola Island. Big hug.

  58. Good luck Bill! God Bless you and your family.

  59. Miss you! I check daily to see if you have posted yet.

  60. hopefully everything was good Bill, long time to see your update, we miss your post ☺

  61. Waiting patiently for you return, Bill! Hope all goes well.

  62. A new home is always an adventure.

  63. Movings sometimes, besides being necessary, also end up being gratifying. Good moving and everything goes as you wish.

  64. congratulations on the move!! new starts are the best. i love your blog's header image. i'm obsessed with waterfalls!

  65. Congratulations on your new residence! Enjoy!
