23 July, 2021

bank of ireland

 is going to close down 88 branches around the country and one of them is this one in Dungloe.  Most people do online banking these days.  Another bank, AIB, have mobile banks that visit the towns.  For people who wish to use the bank services, An Post (the postal service) will have a contract with the bank so their services will still be available. 


  1. Doesn't look like a bank building.

  2. That's too bad...and I can just imagine how the postal service is looking forward to becoming a banking service too!

  3. Life is changing all around us.

    God bless.

  4. Shame. I have resisted online banking for years and still resisting!

  5. Impressive building. Wonder what the building will be used for now.

  6. What a classy old building. The bank closing so many branches must have a negative impact on the whole country. We do enjoy going into our bank to do business.

  7. Sign of the times really. Banks here are starting to not use cheque books anymore, alot of elderly people are up in arms about it.

  8. That is too bad. I don't do on-line banking. I feel like we are too dependent on internet activities and it doesn't feel as secure to me as it used to be. I must be getting old! ;-)

  9. Sad to see businesses closing down. A beautiful building though.

  10. ...stately, so unlike banks here!

  11. Lindo banco, me gusto el edificio. Te mando un beso

  12. That doesn't sound good. I hope it won't create too many problems for you and others.

  13. Looks a nice building but I'm sure many people are not happy about the closure. By what you have said the bank has made provisions for banking.

  14. Same story everywhere which must be difficult for those without online access. Personally I have no idea if my local branch is still there - haven't been there since 2017!

  15. Around the world, banks want to make more profit by closing branches and laying off employees.
    Nice building.

  16. Oh, times are a changing. Very nice building.

  17. Online banking comes in handy these days, and for the wheelchair-bound like me, it becomes a boon to sent or receive money from home, but closing banks couldn't feel good. Banks are the safest place for people to trusted deposits. I liked the construction of the bank and the benches to relax outdoor.

  18. I rarely have any need to go into the physical branch any more.

  19. Jobs are disappearing in traditional occupations.

  20. It seems that most banks wat out of the retail banking. Service isn't in their thinking.

  21. By closing offices they reduce costs. But were are the benefits for the customer? They don't lower the rates!

  22. I've never heard of mobile banking visiting towns... Happy weekend Bill:)

  23. Está a ocorrer o mesmo, em muitas outras instituições bancárias, infelizmente!
    O mundo está mudando rapidamente em muitas áreas! Adorei ver tal edifício... mas interrogo-me sobre qualquer será o seu aproveitamento no futuro...
    Uma coisa é certa, por todo o lado... reduzem-nos a qualidade dos serviços bancários ao balcão... mas sempre inventam taxas de serviços crescentes... :-(
    Um grande abraço
