06 October, 2018

saturday critters

this donkey was very tired but curious.

I posted these two photos last year, don't know if you all saw them.  We were on a bus passing through Clonmany heading to Buncrana.  The bus driver stopped and we watched the show unfold.  Eventually the youngsters headed back to their momma. :)

to see other critters from around the globe, click here


  1. naughty cows, good to know they found their way back home again.

  2. Hey Bill. Leuk dat ezeltje. Heerlijk de koeien die zijn ontvlucht, gelukkig zijn ze weer goed terug gekomen.
    Groet Kees.

  3. They all look so pretty, but dangerous to meet them at the road. Glad the cars and bus stopped for them.

  4. I agree with bieb but a lovely view it is.

  5. Hi Bill.

    Nice the donkey. beautiful the little cow to his mother.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  6. Love the critters! Such a cute donkey...not a phrase I ever thought I’d say!

  7. Hello, I love the cute donkey. I am glad no cows were hurt, the little calf is sweet. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend! PS, thanks for the comment on my blog.

  8. What would our world be without critters.
    These are lovely photos Bill 💮

  9. Love the donkey.

    That must have been the farmer with his car blocking the road. He'd have a problem getting the three animals in that small car.

    God bless.

  10. Not often do I see cars stopped to give cattle the right-of-way! Love that sweet little donkey. Almost typed burro; now I'll have go find out if there is a difference between burro and donkey. Blogging certainly does raise interesting questions!

  11. Wonder if the family of cows were making an escape attempt 😉 Sweet little donkey, looks very relaxed there Bill ✨

  12. The cows were going into town for the day! ;-))
    Love the donkey!

  13. Great Critters . . .
    Do hope the cows and “littles” got off the main road . . .
    The donkey looks soft and sweet!

  14. That's a lovely donkey, don't they look friendly.
    Glad to hear the cows made it back safely!

  15. Critters on the rod are a danger for everybody.

  16. Hello Bill.
    Great captures of the cows and the cute donkey!
    Lovely critters indeed! Enjoy your weekend!

  17. Mama must have shaken her head and thought, 'kids.'

  18. ...talk about sharing the road!

  19. Well, you know, they were just out having a bit of fun. :-)

  20. Now that is a problem we don't see often in my neck of the woods.

  21. Nice to see your pictures.
    Glad all were safe and sound.

    All the best Jan

  22. look the cows are happy on the street.
    nice pictures.

  23. Loved the wise one in the 1st pic! :)

  24. I think I remember these, especially the other driver who stopped and looked like he was guiding the cattle away from harm. Oh, what you'll find on a country road!

  25. Had that happen to me but with horses----and they ran through down the road and through someones newly planted yard

  26. I didn’t see the runaway calves before and am glad you reposted. Fun little adventure for them and amusing break for the bus passengers (at least I would have enjoyed it greatly). Donkeys always seem so sweet...I don’t know much about them so don’t know if that is true or not.

  27. We have numerous range cattle in these parts, and they really do not give a fig if a car (or many cars) are waiting for them to get out of the road!
