16 October, 2018

river moy

River Moy, Ballina, Co Mayo last Tuesday

The river was once among the best salmon fisheries in Europe; however, in recent times, drift net fishing off the coast caused a huge decline in salmon numbers. (wikipedia)

the river running high

Ballina'a pedestrian bridge aka the The Salmon Weir Bridge

the upper bridge

the salmon weir

have a seat and enjoy the sounds of the river


  1. Choppy waters again Bill. Also bad about the fishing in the rivers. It was just such a pleasure to see someone fly fishing in the river.

  2. You have a very high tide when I look at the stairs and the bridges.

  3. ...the first bridge has an interesting design.

  4. Hello, nice views of the river and bridges. It is sad to hear about the decline in salmon. Have a happy day!

  5. Oh my... it looks like the perfect spot for salmon fishing. Time to start a restocking program?

  6. Beautiful captures all. Would love to sit on that bench listening to the river for a long time.

  7. I liked your pictures
    High tide water
    Walking bridge has an artistic flare . . .
    Sad the drift net fishing has caused the decrease in salmon

  8. aw, the sounds of a river. It's been a while.

  9. Can it be restocked as Andy suggests? I wonder how that could be done in a river? The bench with its blue paint certainly is a bright spot in your photos. Would love to sit there and watch the river.

  10. Hello Bill.
    Gorgeous pictures of the river and beautiful bridges!
    I would like to sit on the bench and enjoy the view and the sounds of the river!
    Thank you for sharing!Have a lovely afternoon!

  11. The river water looks like coffee!

  12. Interesting about the Salmon. It is fishing season here for the rivers but also time the Salmon go up river to spawn. Sad for the Salmon to spawn and die. I love rivers and the water is high there for sure

  13. The water looks treacherous at that level.

  14. The water looks a bit rough. Hopefully some restocking can help the salmon population to recover!

  15. The water is very high and wild as well. Let's hope it won't flood.

  16. yes we have issues with drift net fishing here in NZ too.

  17. The water looks a bit wild. Shame to hear about the Salmon numbers.

  18. That river really looks quite high now, Bill. Salmon is one of our favorite fish meals, sorry about the dwindling numbers.

  19. The salmon fishery is taking a beating everywhere, I think. Overfishing, loss of habitat, drought and higher water temperatures. We have endangered whales in our region that are starving and dying because there aren't enough salmon.

  20. Gosh the river is high Bill, have you been having lots of rain. I noticed the opposite when we were in the country a week ago, the Avon river river has gone right down compared to just a month ago. Shame about the salmon, when will we ever learn!
