24 May, 2018

the old coastguard station

in Killybegs.  This is where we are going to move in the next few weeks.  I will be offline for a bit so I will see you all when we get connected again. 
About the station:  it was built in 1875 and has five individual cottages plus the tower.  It's a lovely place and in front is a garden for flowers and other plants and trees.  We are only renting one of the cottages.  Our friend lives in the tower and he and his wife did some intensive work and as a result got the building listed as a historical building.

a look back at the station c1900

Photo courtesy of James Byrne photo gallery


  1. What a wonderful building. Enjoy your holiday.

    God bless.

  2. Hi Bill.

    Beautiful station Bill.
    Nicely refurbished.
    Have fun there .

    Groettie from Patricia.

  3. A beautiful building, Bill, it almost looks like a castle !

  4. Nice building and by the look of it made for eternity. Have a nice time there.

  5. You are moving permanently or for a vacation?

  6. Está fantástico o antigo com o recente.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  7. That looks very nice and very well renovated. Have a nice time there!

  8. Congrats on a beautiful new place to call home! It is so pretty and you will enjoy the surrounding yard. I wish you both all the best and much happiness.

  9. It looks lovely. Hope we see the inside some time and the move is as easy as they get!

  10. What a grand place. Not what I'd have expected from a coastguard station.

  11. Looks very barracks like but whet a great place to live, do like the old photo of the place

  12. Oh this is lovely, I hope you enjoy living there.

  13. I, too, wonder if this is a vacation spot or a permanent residence for you? Looks like a magnificent structure, and I surely would love to visit the tower!!

  14. Hello Bill.
    Such a beautiful and historical building!
    A lovely place to live ! I’m sure you will enjoy your new house!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  15. That building is beautiful. Good luck with the move. I certainly know what a chore that can be.

  16. It hasn't changed that much. We'll see you when you're back.

  17. Oh wow Bill, the Old Coastguard Station looks like a wonderful old building. What a brilliant place to live.. I'm guessing there's a pretty fab view? Good luck with the move ✨

  18. You'll be living in that building? How cool!

  19. A permanent move or a summer stay? It looks fabulous!

  20. Not a lot of change over the years. I love that. Here, everything changes every five minutes and I hate that! It's a stone building and wonderful and I'm so glad that you're into another adventure. Whatever you want to do, do it while you can. I thought I had all the time in the world and suddenly I no longer can do some things I had planned to do. Best wishes, Bill!

  21. A beautiful building! Enjoy your time there.

  22. Lovely Bill . . .
    Enjoy your move . . . holiday . . .

  23. I like the building!
    I am sure you will like it too.
    ; )

  24. What a nice place to live! I'm looking forward to seeing a little more of Killybegs. I hope the move goes well.

  25. Killybegs again! That's where my very good friend here (Irish) practically grew up, spending many a summer and often longer there. Ask around about the family of Monk Gibbon, her father. He was a well-known poet. I'll show my friend these photos.

  26. What a beautiful building, it is certainly a wonderful place to live.
    Have a lovely weekend
    Maria from
    Divagar Sobre Tudo um Pouco

  27. wow I'm envious, I love researching and admiring old buildings. Hope you post photos of the interior.

  28. What a delightful place to move to---enjoy

  29. Hope the move goes well ...

    All the best Jan

  30. Prachtig Bill, daar kan je veel inspiratie opdoen.
    Groet kees.

  31. Hey Bill, you haven’t been around much. Hope all is well with you.

  32. Hope you both are well and enjoying your new home.

  33. Looks like an interesting place to live.

  34. Hello. I have been researching my family history and my Grandfather James Smith was Coastguard in Killybegs around 1912 before enlisting on HMS Royalist and being involved in the Battle of Jutland. My Father Albert James Smith was born in Killybegs 1912 and his sister Amelia Leah was born in Killybegs in 1914 while at the Coastguard Cottages. .
