17 May, 2018

kerr's pink potatoes

delivered right to your door, who knew this service was available.  Kerr's Pink potatoes have a distinctive pink colour with deep eyes. They are quite floury and starchy. They are very good for mashing and boiling but can also be chipped.


  1. Hi Bill, How interesting about the potatoes! I love mashed potatoes. That is a lovely stone building.
    Wishing you a nice day.

  2. Its indeed not your average delivery today.

  3. In Olden Tymes we had a van come every week delivering vegetables. Another came daily delivering milk. And another daily bread. Weekly fish. And often ice-cream.

    Not any more. They call it progress.

    God bless.

  4. That is quite a service to get them delivered at your door.

  5. The delivery sevice is better than Amazon. (;-})

  6. Great service . ..
    Sounding yummy . . .
    What else for dinner?

  7. My grandmother loved floury potatoes but I haven’t heard anyone else refer to them that way in all the years since Nan died. Nan would love them Bill.

  8. I've heard of milk deliveries and drug deliveries but never potato deliveries. I guess, why not, potatoes and good and the bags are heavy. Just so they don't get stolen before you get them into the house! Love the way you got that truck entering the frame and I love that stone building, too.

  9. That is a good idea. After all who wants to go to the supermarket just for a bag of potatoes!! : ))

  10. Hello Bill.
    Such a great service! The pink potatoes must be very special!
    Like the stone wall of that building!
    Have a nice day!

  11. Now this is one I've never heard of but then the Irish have a love for potatoes.

  12. I'm thinking of all the things I could do with a bag of potatoes like those. Delicious things!

  13. Potato delivery...love it! Also I am noticing on that building, the stone arches that are underneath the framing.

  14. Delivering potatoes is a new one to me.

  15. When I was a boy we had delivery men for just about everything including potatoes. Now there's just the postman and the milkman left - and the milkman delivers to fewer and fewer each year.

  16. Makes sense for a farmer to deliver directly to the customers! I get beer delivered!

  17. A service welcomed by many I'm sure.

  18. Now that's a nice service! The best potatoes I've ever had have been in Ireland. (I'd had no idea they could be so tasty.) And at one memorable meal I had them prepared three different ways.

  19. Well that's not something that happens very often these days Bill, maybe a family business?
