05 May, 2018

Saturday's Critters

cats of Ballinrobe

click here to view other critters from around the world


  1. How I love these cats! Thanks for the smiles this morning. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. We've plenty of cats near where we live. Yesterday I took photos of one sitting on our garden wall.

    God bless.

  3. What a sweet photos, they live a nice life and know to find the best places to take a sunbath!

  4. Cats are cats everywhere in the world.

  5. Great shots. My favourite is the first one!

  6. They all seem to notice you taking their photos :)

  7. Hello Bill!
    Great captures and how nice posing to you!
    Cute cats and feeling free !Love the last picture!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Hi Bill.

    Nice all those cats.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  9. I am dismayed to see so many cats wandering around like this. The carnage done to wildlife is simply staggering. It never ceases to amaze me that we need a licence to have a dog, and there are rules about having them on a leash, but there are no restrictions on cats, they are free to pee on your neighbour’s lawn, dig up his garden, kill the birds he feeds...and so on. Unconscionable cat owners are a scourge.

  10. Sweet cats! They seem to own the place! :-)

  11. Lovely pussycats! Hope you're enjoying your book Bill ☺

  12. Gorgeous kitties.
    I shall show them to Rambo :)
    Happy WE!
    Peace :)

  13. I'm a cat lover so I enjoyed these photos very much. We have two cats, both declawed (that was done before we got them as kittens) so they've never been outside. The 2nd shot shows a cat that is almost identical to our baby we call Cassandra or Cassie.

  14. They are all so cute! I have a special fondness for calicos.

  15. I love cats, and these are great photos of them. They all look pretty darn happy, and more than willing to pose for you!

    Because of where I live, I always cringe when I see cats outdoors like this. Not because of what damage they do (which is little), but because of the damage done to them. For one thing, where I live there are coyotes, bobcats, cougars, and many birds of prey. They all like to eat cats (and anythings else they can catch).

  16. I'm a catless cat lover. By the way, my great-grandfather came to the States from Ireland via Montreal in the late 1800s. Came from County Down. - Margy

  17. You do find the cutest animals, Bill.

  18. These are a lot of fun! Of course I would rather ride alongside you in your banner photo. What lovely countryside!

  19. I love cats and these are great captures!

  20. Cats have a way of choosing the most interesting places to sleep!!!

  21. Hello, adorable collection of kitty photos. They are all so cute. I am sorry to be so late commenting. I just got home from our road trip and I am now trying to catch up on my commenting. Thanks so much for linking up your post. Have a happy day and weekend ahead.
