02 March, 2018

the beast

of the east as it is known here has dropped his calling card.  Starting snowing last night (Wed), everything is closed and the entire country is on a red status warning.  No buses, trains, planes, nothing!  Emma visits us tomorrow with more snow, high gale winds and freezing temps.  It's crazy weather time.

the truck was backing down this steep driveway and was sliding a bit but he made it.


  1. Oh wow! I had no idea things were that bad there! I wouldn't mind a little snow once in a while, the key word being 'little'. Stay in, stay warm, stay safe.

  2. ...Mother Nature sure wasn't kind to you!

  3. Always fun with a sudden change in the weather.

  4. Just when you think spring is on the way Mother Nature reminds us that she in charge.

  5. Very cold, grey and icy here but most things running normally. We've been lucky so far.

  6. It is terrible cold here too, with icy winds, but no snow thank goodness. Everything is riding and driving.

  7. Same here only without snow.

  8. I am sorry you have the Beast visiting you. We are having unseasonably warm weather for us this time of year....mid 30s.
    Hunker down and stay warm and cozy. xo Diana

  9. If there wasn't any bad weather we would all have nothing to talk about! I saw the Irish snow on the news.... stay warm and stay safe!

  10. Hi Bill.

    Frost and snow can be beautiful, but also cause misery.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  11. Hello Bill.
    I saw on the news about Emma visiting Ireland.
    I hope you are warm and safe.Take care.

  12. Sounds like a good time to stay inside by the fire!

  13. It’s a wild beast & causing so much disruption! Best bet is to stay warm indoors!

  14. Oh my gosh that's horrible Bill! A wee bit of snow is all fine and lovely but this is too much of a good thing! Take care and stay safe and warm .

  15. Not a good time to be out on the roads!

  16. It looks like the beast packed quite a punch.

  17. Keep warm and safe, Bill. Here in the UK we're up to our necks in snow.

    God bless.

  18. Keep warm! We don´t have so much snow here out on the coast, but plenty further south and up in the mountains. I have been watching Sky News and it looks COLD.

  19. Best advice is stay home. this will very soon be over. However it gave you a good photo opportunity.

  20. Take care. Stay safe.

    Beautiful captures.

  21. Wow, we are having the same weather lol! I think it may have been a 'red' day with no school if it wasn't the weekend. Stay warm!

  22. It takes quite a storm to shut down all forms of transportation. Hope everything gets back to normal soon.

  23. Both photos are lovely. The second one is wonderful perspective.
