20 March, 2018

fire starter

the kid had some small branches and was trying to get a fire going.  I guess dad was just supervising if that was his dad.  I don't know if a fire is allowed but I never seen a sign saying no fires permitted.  It's the first one I saw here near the shore walk.


  1. Could be cooking the fish they caught

  2. Little fire on the beach. Its not the first and will not be the last. Nice crispy shot Bill.

  3. Boys and fires that belongs together :)

  4. Love fires on the beach. No wonder the child is anxious to have one!

  5. Thankful he has some supervision.

  6. It seems it was pretty cold at that time.

  7. Kids are always fascinated by fires, sometimes to ill effects. If that is an adult, I'm glad that there is some supervision. Witnessed a house ablaze in the neighbourhood once long ago, and have had respect for fires of ALL sizes ever since.

  8. Hello Bill.
    Maybe they are warming up !It must be very cold at the shore!
    Lovely picture!Enjoy your afternoon!

  9. A good learning opportunity for the young one. I'm glad he had some supervision.

  10. Fire is so dangerous and can get out of control so fast...but this looks like things are in good order. In our area, it's been very dry and we have a number of forests that can catch fire and spread very rapidly. That usually happens in the summer, but it can happen anytime.

  11. Great photo with all that smoke. Well done, Bill.

    God bless.

  12. They may be cooking their lunch.... hot dogs on a stick maybe? Probably not fish, I can't see any fishing tackle.

  13. Great photo. Here in the Southern California mountains that boy would run the risk of bodily harm if he tried to start a campfire and he would most certainly be arrested. Down at the ocean, however, I think campfires are permitted if they're right on the beach.

  14. Good to be prepared! Maybe he's practicing for a Boy Scout badge!

  15. Hey Bill, Dat valt nog niet mee hoor zomaar ;n vuurtje aanmaken. Goed dat de vader toekijkt.
    Groet Kees.

  16. Teaching a lesson on survival?

  17. Perhaps they were preparing to cook some fish they had caught?

    All the best Jan

  18. Good to see children out and about. Lovely shot!

  19. I have some dim Boy Scout memories about this. I was America's worst Boy Scout, not a real big pull in Queens. The scene reminds me of the Canadian Rockies.

  20. It's so nice to see some attentive adult supervision. I like this shot. They seem engaged with each other.

  21. Well, I don't see anything flammable nearby so it should be okay.

  22. I learned to build a fire as a kid...I always thought I should learn to do it without a lighter though. A good survival skill I guess.
