16 January, 2022

coins for cash

if you have lots of change then this is the machine you want to use.  You have to go in to the store and tell a worker you want to use the machine.  Once the person comes with the key, you pour your change in to the slot and get your receipt.  The whole process takes only a few minutes.  They keep the machine locked to avoid jammed coins and a breakdown.  There are no banks in town to take your change because they all closed down.


  1. I've almost forgotten what coins are. Since the advent of Covid most of our shops prefer you to use contactless card payments.

  2. There are these sorts of machines in the supermarkets here in Scotland but they take a fee! And it doesn't seem worth it. So I always count myself and put into the little bank bags.

  3. I can't remember the last time I used a coin for anything. Or cash, for that nätter.

  4. Bill I am a little short on coins. During the pandemic most stores preferred credit cards.

  5. I guess it is quite useful for some people.

    God bless.

  6. Yes coins are a rarity today. Wouldn't surprise me if they are worth more than the paper money you get for them.

  7. Smart!
    We have nothing like that. I always put the matching coins in a special purse I take to the bakery...

  8. I can't imagine not having a bank close by. I thought there was a shortage of coins here, people are keeping them saved in their piggy banks, lol.
    Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

  9. Is it a free service or do you have to pay for it?

  10. ...strange name, coin are cash!

  11. Hi Bill.

    This is handy.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  12. Cash and coins seem to be low everywhere these days. Glad these machines are around. The one we have at the grocery store is so tall. I'm not sure if that's to put the little guys off or what. It makes me think of my brother telling my mom once as he was holding a handful of change, "Look, I made some money." He'd emptied Dad's pockets in the laundry room.

  13. Banking has changed for sure. I find I have little cash these days. Electronic banking for everything pretty much!

  14. I've seen this machine at my local grocery store but have never used it. I wrap what little coins I have now the old fashioned way, in a coin wrapper. Where do the coins go after you are done using it?

  15. That is very interesting. I haven't seen anything like it here.

  16. We have machines like that in stores here but they are almost always out of order. Maybe they should start locking ours too.

  17. That is amazing. I am assuming you get paper money? Sad that the banks have all closed. Hope you are enjoying the town. I know you moved not too long ago.

  18. Sorry about your loss of banks. Banks do serve a useful function. You could just spend your coins by paying the exact amount.

  19. Our supermarket that closed had one of these. It beat wrapping coins in those awkward bank wrappers and hauling them in to change for notes.

    Nowadays the only use I have for coins is at the farm stand, where cash still reigns at the honesty box.

  20. I use cash & coins all the time. I can't imagine not having a bank. What about safety deposit boxes, etc?

  21. I find that I don't use coins as it's much easier and more accurate to let the cashier handle coins.

  22. Interessante esta máquina, por aqui não
    existe nada assim, mas tem bancos.

    Um abraço!😃

  23. The banks closed?!... It's a very drastic determination!
    I always get a few coins for tips, a way to offer a coffee to those who serve me.
    Enjoy the sun today, even it's cold... 8º! You are heroes!...

  24. Here the banks are closed too. Nice machine.

  25. This is the first time that I see that machine.
    Here too many banks are closing too. Yesterday I was in a town on the Lake Bolsena and I saw that the only bank that was there has closed forever.

  26. Las máquinas cobran cada vez más vida y en cualquier rincón te la encuentras. Cada vez dependemos más de ella en nuestra vida diaria.

    Llevo un tiempo ausente y ahora voy a procurar volver a la actividad.

  27. Most of stores use credit cards bill, but nice idea

  28. In the city where I live, there are special scales for this in the shops. You give the coins and you can see how many pounds it weighs :)

  29. Não conheço este tipo de máquinas, mas são bem interessantes e úteis.


  30. Our bank closed but there is a branch about 5 or more miles away. The store where we shop has an ATM and Coin machine. Life is different for sure.

  31. We have machines like that here called Coinstar. i've seen them in the grocery stores and in the banks. You can get a receipt to use the in the grocery store or pay for what you buy or for the bank and have them give you the money.

  32. Very useful to lighten one's burden!

  33. We haven't had any regulations about coins so that I can put a lot of coins to the machine when I do shopping. But lately the new rule comes up. Banks take fee when we put coins to the machine. Coins seem to have a big problem to the machine. Banks don't like it, of course. (Japan is still a country of cash. We seldom use card to pay for daily shopping.)

  34. I still have so many coins! And I don't see a machine like that over here. : )

  35. Me parece una maquina genial . Te mando un beso

  36. What a cool machine, I haven't seen one of those but it makes perfect sense.

  37. I've used those in the past. We managed to get some quarters from our bank before we left on our last cross-country trip for use if we needed them in the RV Park laundromats. I swear that was the first time in at least a couple of years that I've actually handled cash!!

  38. We have those machines in the U.S. Here they charge around 10%. The credit union we use does change your change into bills for free!

  39. Nunca vi nenhuma por estes lados! Adorei a foto! Abraço!
