15 July, 2018

what I saw

This is the first electric car that I noticed being charged and this is the only charger in town according to the eCars charge point map.  The green lights are all lit up so I wonder if that means it is charging or if it's done.

hanging some new lights on one of the buildings. 

bridge street is always crowded with cars, not enough room to maneuver.

loads of hay heading out of town.

and the final view as I near home. 


  1. The view near home is stunning, but the road to get there a bit crowded.

  2. Those old cities are not built for car traffic, that is always difficult to get trough. Your sight from home is fabulous.

  3. Hi Bill.

    Beautiful impression of the activities.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  4. I enjoyed your vehicular look at the city.

  5. We can only hope that one day soon we will all drive electric cars.

  6. What a great tour!!! I can't believe how narrow those streets are there. Have a wonderful Sunday, Bill. Diana

  7. The view in your home street is fantastic. But in my opinion the narrow streets should not be parked (I love this street). This was lovely "tourist tourney" in your city.

  8. ...thanks for the tour today Bill. Electric cars are becoming more popular here these days.

  9. I enjoyed walking home with you Bill ☺ I'd say the electric car is charged and ready to go!

  10. Hello Bill, I am a first time visitor who stopped in from a fellow blogger’s site as I enjoy exploring blogs new to me. I’m going to spend yime reading your previous post as I too am a photographer who enjoys exploring and posting about places and things. I invite you to stop in and visit our blog anytime.

  11. Charging stations are popping up here as well.
    My first thought on the two vans parked rear to rear was that they were making babies.

  12. Looks busy! Gosh...Bridge Street looks like a challenge to navigate. Hope all's well in your world.

  13. I love seeing all of these wonderful photos Bill! I only travel through documentaries and photos and of course books. So thank you for this mini tour of your Ireland~

  14. All interesting scenes. The narrow street with cars is interesting. why have cars in this area at all?

  15. Loving that final view as you near town !

  16. such a beautiful spot,, amazing views, it truly is a slice of heaven, I don't see charging stations here but I do know there are some, still quite a new concept with us in this Northern Ontario city.

  17. Espero ver com mais frequência carros eléctricos nas nossas cidades.
    Um abraço e bom Domingo.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

  18. You saw a lot!! And I liked what you saw! Beautiful view as you were getting closer to home.

  19. What an interesting series of activities you spotted and captured, Bill. Bridge street sure is narrow.

  20. You found quite a lot going on around town. I enjoy seeing all the activities.

  21. I would think that the green light indicates that it's done charging.

  22. I enjoyed seeing these images of daily life in your town, Bill.

  23. Interesting sights to see!
    (I'm driving a new-to-me hybrid car now. The gasoline engine charges the batteries. It's amazing how quiet it is to drive, and nice to know I'm reducing my carbon footprint. And I don't have to look to plug it in.)
    We have a lot of hay being gathered around here these days. I thought our trucks looked burdened until I saw those ones you shot...but they're not really trucks, are they?
