16 July, 2018

music at the diamond

last Thursday we went to Donegal Town to pick up some library books.  Afterward, we came back to the Diamond to eat our lunch and there was some music playing.  It had a Native American sound to it and was a pleasure to hear while we ate our lunch.   What a wonderful surprise that turned out to be.


  1. Hi Bill.

    Cozy and beautiful music, pan flute on the last photo is very nice of sound.

    Groettie from Patricia

  2. Great way to enjoy your day.

  3. There was a time you heard the Peruvian music at every corner of the street here, but they have gone for some years. I see they have changed the country for Ireland now.

  4. Gezellig Bill, muziek bij de lunch. Mooi monument ook.
    Groet Kees.

  5. ...those flute players sure get around, I see and hear them here. 😀

  6. Wonderful day as these great photos prove!
    I have Native American music on CD's that I love to listen to...so relaxing.
    Along with being German and Irish, I am also Cherokee.
    I always enjoy your photos Bill~

  7. The expression on the guy’s face at the right seems to indicate he would like the musicians to leave!

  8. Thanks Bill for your visit and comment on our blog. I have added a bookmark to yours so I can visist again, like now. I may not be able to comment daily, but still try to have a look at what fellow bloggers are doing and seeing. I agree with the previous comment that the guy in the last photo did not seem to be having a good day. But you did and so did others.

  9. How wonderful. Those flutes produce such pleasant music.

  10. What a lovely surprise Bill. Music always adds something to the atmosphere, although I'm not sure the gentleman in the last shot would agree 😀

  11. South American. They can make a lot of music with these instruments and yes you have to stop and listen.

  12. Peruvian musicians. I've seen them here as well.

  13. Wonderful surprise. And it seems the weather cooperated.

  14. The way they play seems to sound soothe! Beautiful capture on the players and glad u enjoyed listening to them

  15. I can hear them in my head! ;-)

  16. On the third pic, the guy to the right doesn't look too happy about the music!

  17. Beautiful captures! Folk music is the best!

  18. Those are (typically) South/Central American pan pipes in the last shot and the musicians are dressed in South American garb. I love that music and have no doubt you had a very nice concert.

  19. I like panflute sounds. Nice poncho!

  20. I do like Native flutes or pipes. A cool sound

  21. Great photos . . .
    Great musical treat!
