26 July, 2018

the bank walk

in Donegal Town.  This 2.5 km walk  follows the west bank of the River Eske as it empties into Donegal Bay.  It's nice, shady and cool.  A great place to visit on a hot and humid day.  I had an hour to kill before heading back to Killybegs so I enjoyed a walk on the trail.

one of the fairies houses that children had placed in the nooks of trees, there are quite a few of them at the beginning.  I liked this one with the chair.

a view down the paved trail

a view of Donegal Bay from the trail

moss covered ground

a group of children on a field trip enjoying the trail

a post box that some people leave a note on their way out.  I wonder who collects the notes, maybe a fairy. :)

a list of flora and fauna that you can see on the trail

Saw the leaf on the way out, an appropriate ending for the day.


  1. Very nice walk and cool indeed Bill.

  2. That looks very nice for a shady cool walk. Cute fairy houses on the trees.

  3. ...two of my granddaughters would love these fairies houses!

  4. Beautiful scenery. I find myself attracted to the stone wall.

  5. What a lovely walk. Thank you so much, Bill, for taking the trouble to take photos and post them here. Much appreciated.

    God bless you.

  6. A lovely place indeed, exactly the kind of spot I would love to walk. I could spend a morning there without hesitation and be a happy man.

  7. That’s a beautiful and natural trail to take walk and the environment looks cool under the canopy of green. I loved the cute fairy things you found there and the post is an invitation to that place. If I was there sure I will not miss it :)

  8. This does look like an inviting place to escape a hot day and the fairies had the right idea too.

  9. Love the fairy houses and the bay view magnificent

  10. Bill, this is one of my favorite posts!!!
    All of the gorgeous scenery...fantastic!!!
    I love the Faery house and then idea of it!
    The "post" box is another wonderful idea!
    That path is so magical...wow!

    Have a great day and thank you for this beauty 💮

  11. WOW!!! What a gorgeous place to visit. I think this is my favorite post so far. I love the idea of the note box and that leaf was the perfect ending for the post. Diana

  12. That is a beautiful trail, Bill! Love the wee fairy houses.

  13. This looks like a trail where you could spend lots of time.

  14. Hello, what a pretty trail and I love the view of the bay. The heart shaped leaf and fairy houses are cute. Great finds. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  15. Hi Bill.

    Beautiful area Bill.
    Funny post that you see on the trees.
    Besides the Feeen there can also be gnomes or trolls ;-)).
    Is of course super fun for children.

    You have taken beautiful pictures.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  16. That looks like a perfect place for a long walk. Lot's to see and lots of information about what to look for. And, fairies! I can't forget the fairies.

  17. Looks like beautiful 25K walk!

  18. The fairy beliefs are quite whimsical!

  19. A lovely walk - I feel more peaceful having perused your shots, and especially thinking about folks writing letters to fairies - we could all use a little more child-like wonder in our days!

  20. It looks like a lovely walk! The fairy houses are cute!

  21. What a beautiful trail, Bill. I love the fairy post box and the heart leaf at the end. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day. Jo

  22. It’s a beautiful trail, ready for fairies!

  23. Oh my . . .
    Perfect walking trail . . .
    Cool shaded green moss stone wall . . . Ireland . . .

  24. What a gorgeous spot, and such a nice place to walk. I love the idea of fairy houses along the way. It's a magical place and the fairy presence just adds to it!

  25. Oh now this is definitely fairy territory Bill, it's too gorgeous, the trees.. stunning! What a lovely walk under the leafy canopy, if you're going to spot magical creatures it will be here for sure 💫

  26. Oh yeah. This is fairy zone. Thanks for the heads up.
