09 October, 2022

tragic event in Creeslough

 this past Friday at 3pm there was an explosion in this location which claimed 10 lives.  A very tragic event for this small community.  I took this photo May 2019 when we were visiting the area.  It is a beautiful town and we thought we might move there sometime.  The store (in the backgound) is a busy place where people buy their groceries, stop and use the post office which is also in the building or have a converation with people they know.  There was also apartments above and beside the store.  It was a hub of the community.  I hope the people can recover from this devastating event.  The whole country is shocked and in mourning.  
The authorities currently don't know the cause of the explosion and won't until their investigation is completed.  You can read it about HERE if you wish.


  1. This is terrible. It looks like a small town with that peaceful vibe!

  2. So sad that tragic happening, it was on your TV news mind you...

  3. It's indeed terrible.

  4. That is awful. So sorry to hear about this Bill. RIP to those lost :-(

  5. Hello,
    It is terrible, a loss for the community! Prayers for the victims and their families.
    Take care, enjoy your day, have a great new week!

  6. Such horrific news to hear. It seems there are more mysterious explosions happening in the states too. I am sure the town will never be the same. Thanks for the post.

  7. I heard the news yesterday on tv. When they mentioned Donegal I thought of you.

  8. I saw that news. How devastating for the community!

  9. I saw the news yesterday. How sad. Your post goes to show the depth of your photo archive.

  10. So shocking. It's been on the news here in Wales.

  11. That is so sad. I looked at the link and couldn't believe how the whole front of the building was gone. My heart goes out to the people of Creeslough.

  12. This was on the news yesterday. So horrific.

  13. Esa gran tragedia ha marcado la vida de sus habitantes. Es muy doloroso, sobretodo, que fallezcan niños.

  14. What an awful thing to have happened. So sad.

  15. Very sad. It is a rather attractive place.

  16. That's sad. I'm so sorry to hear that.

  17. So very sorry to hear about this.

  18. 10 deaths in such a small area is so significant. This is indeed a great tragedy.

  19. Whenever I travelled through Donegal, I passed Creeslough several times.
    What a tragedy.
    It may well lead, as scenes described by Samantha Libreri suggest, to the hope of bringing the living closer together.
    The peace of the night, Bill

  20. This was devasting and heart-breaking.
    My thoughts and prayers are with all those affected.

    All the best Jan

  21. It has been on the news here, I'd like to know what caused it, the poor families of those killed.

  22. Uy que pena, la ciudad parece muy hermosa, Te mando un beso.

  23. What a tragedy! So many killed! I will be praying for all. I promise.

  24. It was on the news here. Very sad.

  25. This is sad and scary. And shows us it is important to enjoy every day.
    It was not in the news here.
    But soccer was... we have strange priorities here.

  26. This news is always very regrettable, but when there is loss of human life.
    Best regards.

  27. I'm sorry Bill! may families be blessed by God. A comprehensive hug.

  28. We saw this sad event on out news. My heart went out to all those killed and injured.

  29. Bill, do they know yet what caused the explosion? Its just so terribly sad.

  30. Human life is very precious and all the news of death is very sad.. I am sorry for you and your people..

  31. Um acontecimento terrível! Também acompanhei a notícia nos nossos noticiários.
    Pensei logo em si, Bill, quando deram a localização do acontecimento... mas como já se tinha mudado... fiquei mais descansada!
    Esperemos que um dia se apurem as causas... e que repensem que ter uma zona comercial tão próxima de uma área de abastecimento... pode ser bastante cómodo para todos os utentes... mas tem os seus perigos!
    Um grande abraço!
