16 April, 2020

grocery shopping day

We been going on Wed. the last few weeks, it's not so crowded.  These are some of the sights we see as we walk to Aldi.

a woman's front garden, right side.  We saw her weeding this area back in February.

the left side of her garden

freshly cut lawn, I love the smell of cut lawn

blossoms, I have no idea what they are except they are pretty

someone left their shopping list in the trolley


  1. That's my shopping list. I wondered where it went. I bought a load of Guinness instead because that is all I could remember.

    God bless.

  2. Hi Bill.

    Looks good from the garden with the flowers.
    Fresh grass indeed smells very good.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  3. Nice collection Bill. Especially the garden.

  4. Those blossoms on the rode side garden is like an entrance to a dream! Amazing colors you have there Bill! And I love the shot of the Grocery List! Stay Safe and keep distances my friend!

  5. I love your flowers and blossoms. Thank you for brightening up my day.

  6. There's been a lot of work and planning that has gone into that garden. That's one lady who'll find plenty to occupy her this summer.

  7. She has done a good job in her garden, here we say "she has green fingers". I am afraid I don't have them, was raised in a city and had no clue about gardering.

  8. ...spring looks beautiful in your area, we had snow overnight!

  9. Hello the flowers are looking beautiful. A lovely day for a walk.
    Take care, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy weekend ahead.

  10. Not an English major, nor a skilled handwriting specialist! As for the garden, it would be worth walking by every day.

  11. Such a lovely garden, Bill! Love the list!

  12. Beautiful photo selections...very cheerful!
    Thank you Bill 🌷

  13. What a gorgeous garden Bill, a lot of love goes into that one for sure 🌹 Hope whoever left the list got everything they needed 😊

  14. Here the stores have from 7:00 AM to 8:00 Am for seniors only. It's much easier to shop with fewer people.

  15. All These Beautiful Photo But I Have To Focus On 'Fairy Liquid'


  16. You have a lot of very pretty things to see on your walk to the store. That garden is especially beautiful.

  17. Prachtig Bill alle die heerlijke bloemen met hun kleuren, de bloesems is ook geweldig van kleur, hier kunnen we gelukkig van genieten in deze sombere tijden.
    Groet Kees.

  18. Goedemiddag, hoe gaat het? Ik ben op zoek naar nieuwe volgers voor mijn blog. Ik kan jou ook volgen. https://viagenspelobrasilerio.blogspot.com/?m=1

    Als je mij volgt, stuur dan de link naar mijn blog en ik volg je terug.

  19. Ilove the garden what a beautiful Place:)))

  20. Ya me toca ir a hacer la compra, hace 15 días que no salgo, ya que preparo para muchos días.


  21. That lady's garden is spectacular. After mowing that lawn it should be baled, or the owner needs a new mower. The shopping list was interesting. There were no vegetables or eggs on it, and waffles should be made at home. Interesting post.

  22. I'm loving the colour from peoples gardens and that person's trolley list was very neatly written.

  23. That lady’s garden looks lovely. She is rewarded for all her work.

  24. Good night thank you for following me on my Blog. I'm following you too.

  25. Oh the garden is full of beautiful flowers. Love it.

  26. Fairy liquid. I need some of that. Imagine all the magic I could do with it.

  27. Who can say why I find someone else's list interesting? But I need to get some fairy liquid, too. My fairies seem a little down these days. Hopefully, it'll have instructions on how to use it. Or maybe my fairies can tell me.

  28. Certainly a pretty garden, the weeding has paid off for that person.
    Lovely green lawn.

  29. Aldi :-)
    I still remember the days when that was Germany only. No ads or something. Then it was Aldi North - us - and Aldi South.
    And now.... Gosh, do I feel old! It´s everywhere!

    Cherry-blossoms here :-) And, heh, now I want some bacon ;-)
    Sunny but cold, to a nice day, Bill!

  30. This is so beautiful and i enjoyed these colorful blossoms! Great capture from the walk and I hope you guys are safe.
