12 December, 2019

wall collapse

on the side of the coastguard building we had a small building which wasn't used for anything.  I think it was a small place to park a car many years ago.  With the strong gusty winds we had during the week, the outside wall blew down.  Our neighbor parks his car in the space you see on the left.  Luckily it wasn't damaged so the other day he started to lower the remaining wall so it wouldn't be a problem.  Next month, he will rent a dumpster (skip) to have the cement blocks hauled away.

this is the front, trees had been growing inside for years.  It had a door, an opening for a window and no roof.  Not very sturdy for strong winds.  So the collapse was the loud noise we heard on Sunday night.  It's rather interesting, nobody really paid attention to the building.


  1. Fortunately nobody was injured!
    Well, now you are no longer bored, you now have work to do! LOL

  2. It looks as though it should have been demolished anyway - the wind has done the job for you.

  3. Not exactly the results that environmentalist expect from wind power.

  4. Sort of reminds me of the story of the three little pigs: Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down! :-)

  5. You have some heavy weather overthere, that even walls collapse!

  6. Wow! I'm glad no one got hurt.. but what is the point of a car park if there is not a roof?

  7. When something like that has been around for a long time if can almost become invisible! That must have been a mighty strong wind Bill ✨

  8. Looks like a few nation states around the world, slowly crumbling into disrepair and ruin.

  9. Hello, I am glad no one was hurt. Maybe the blocks could be recycled.
    Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend ahead!

  10. Glad the worst you heard during the storm was the noise from that place.

  11. Hi Bill.

    Nice that the stones will be cleared away.

    Greeting from Patricia.

  12. Ha Bill. Bij ons zouden ze zeggen, dat is pech schuurtje weg.

    Groet Kees.

  13. You must have had some very strong winds there. I had a sort of similar close call where I live. When we had those high winds last week, a tree came down and crashed through the carport cover in the space next to mine. There was no damage because no one was parked in that space at the time but the funny thing is, no one heard anything and it must have made a loud crash.

  14. Ha Bill, dit is een nieuwe blog van mij, de reden is dat dit gebeurd is door omstandigheden.
    Groet kees.

  15. He was lucky that the wind was going in that direction and not the other, Bill!

  16. It’s a good thing that it caused no further damage.

  17. Weee.... good nothing even more bad happened!
    Just a little rain here... and, well, it´s too cold for my liking!

  18. Ha Bill, hier de link van mijn nieuwe blog

    Groet Kees

  19. Just pleased no-one or nothing was hurt/damaged.

    All the best Jan

  20. Sure lucky his car wasn't there. At least it will be getting cleared away now.

  21. A structure that's neglected will eventually fall.

  22. Funny that nobody owned the building.

  23. Looks like it was time for these walls to go away. Must have been a really strong wind.

  24. If Mother Nature's going to have a hissy fit like that it's always good when no one gets hurt.

  25. Wow, you must´ve had a storm there. Mother nature is tidying up!

  26. The wall fell down after many years, so lucky the vehicle wasn't damaged. Have to count their blessings on that.

  27. Glad his car didn't get damage in the wall fall.

  28. Always neat to see trees growing inside old buildings.
