03 June, 2019

Creeslough and Bridie Gallagher

Creeslough is a small village, with the population of the surrounding area engaged mainly in agriculture, mostly livestock rearing.  According to the 2016 census the population is 393 people.

Some of you may have heard of Bridie Gallagher,  I heard about her a few months ago on the radio.  She is regarded as Ireland’s first international pop star and was born in Creeslough.
You can hear her sing Homes of Donegal and Cutting the Corn in Creeslough

Videos courtesy of YouTube
Creeslough and Bridie Gallagher courtesy of Wikipedia


  1. A beautiful photo, Bill and I really enjoyed the videos. Have a nice Monday.

  2. That is a gorgeous sign. Just looking at it made me feel welcome.

  3. Wonder what the bike is doing there.

  4. Don't know about her, will check out the videos.

  5. I had never heard of her but listened to the song you gave us and she sounds good.

  6. ... Bridie Gallagher is new to me, I need to check her out. What a wonderful sign.

  7. The town is obviously proud of her. I hope she doesn't forget her roots and move to Las Vegas or somewhere equally horrid.

  8. A very beautiful photo and sign!
    I haven't heard of her before.
    Thank you for the links Bill.

  9. Seems like a pleasant quiet place. Is that bike doing levitation?

    God bless.

  10. Great sign. I had not heard of her but enjoyed the video. Have a great day Bill.

  11. Hello, it is a pretty sign. It must be a small place with a population of 393? Enjoy your day, have a great new week ahead.

  12. Nice of her to bring pride to the village and I loved the sign and its quite inviting!!

  13. What a nice tribute to her - she must have been thrilled!

  14. Never heard of her, but I'll look her up.

  15. I like the sign and the surrounding area.

  16. So it just goes to show that small town people can be famous ans successful. k.d. lang comes from a town of less than 1000 people.

  17. Her singing style is the sort that make many folks nostalgic for Ireland.

  18. That’s a nice town welcome sign and I wondered if the bike was always there, Bill, as it’s a nice touch.

  19. Creeslough looks like a very pretty town Bill, this is a lovely tribute to their star resident 💙
