18 December, 2018

statue stolen

the statue was stolen this past weekend.  The article from the Journal.ie website is below the photo so you can read it.  I wonder why it was stolen, certainly someone would recognize it.

photo taken 24/06/15

GARDAÍ IN SLIGO are investigating the theft of a bronze statue from a car park in Drumcliffe, Co Sligo over the weekend.
The statue was taken from the main car park of the town sometime between Friday and Sunday.
The statue forms part of a larger sculpture which displays the WB Yeats poem, He Wishes For The Cloths Of Heaven.  It was sculpted by Jackie McKenna and was first unveiled in 2003. The grave of WB Yeats is located at Drumcliffe Church.  “After last nights wonderful Carol Service, two guards informed us the sculpture from the main car park had been stolen,” an account for the church tweeted.
Any info on its safe return would be greatly appreciated.
Anyone who may have seen any suspicious activity in the Drumcliffe area over the weekend or with any information is asked to contact gardaí in Sligo on 071-9157000.

Article, courtesy of thejournal.ie website


  1. Hi Bill.

    It is a pity that it is stolen, it is a beautiful sculpture.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  2. Great shock. I remember that statue from a holiday to Ireland a few years back.

  3. That is disgusting. There's low life here that have been stealing vases and urns from grave sites.

  4. No one ever said people have to be rational.....just ask Donald Trump.

  5. What a shame, I have a photo of the sculpture from our visit in 2014. People do everything to get money in all criminal ways without any respect. Hope it will be found not in pieces.

  6. How sad.
    Art is created for all to enjoy.
    Must everything be chained down or hooked up to an alarm.
    Hopefully it will be returned as mysteriously as it disappeared.

  7. ...there are a lot of nutty people out there.

  8. I like David Gascoigne's comment.
    Much too much vandalism and stupidity going on, no respect for authority or decency. Obviously not something the thieves can display on their front garden!

  9. Blame the Pikie for that or in your case tinkers

  10. Unbelievable what some people will do.

  11. Hello Bill.
    That’s terrible.So many madness out there.
    Enjoy your afternoon!

  12. That is terrible. Who would do something like that? Hope to see a follow up post telling us that the sculpture had been recovered safely and the perpetrators justly punished,

  13. Now that is something you wouldn't expect at all. First of all, it must be heavy and second, what are you going to do with it. Like you said, it will be recognized if it ends up in someone's yard. And, it certainly can't be sold. Strange.

  14. Revolting. I wonder if it's for the material- melt it down, maybe?

  15. Good grief! That's terrible!

    All the best Jan

  16. Que pena que roubaram um obra de arte tão bonita, mas vai aparecer.
    Desejar um feliz natal e um novo ano cheio de alegrias e felicidades. Adorei seu blog.

  17. Probably melted down for scrap by now. A gang of metal thieves around here stole all the gratings off the roadside drains the other year.

  18. a nice statue
    sorry and sad that it's gone

  19. A wonderful piece of art. Awful to hear it was stolen.

  20. First of all why would anyone steal anything anyway???? Gorgeous statue and must weigh a lot and as you said--it is recognizable anywhere. The question remains "why?". Hope it is found

  21. A statue stolden. "eyes wide open"
    Coffee is on

  22. sad to be stolen... hope, will be found soon.
    have a great day

  23. Well that is not good news.
    Why and how could the sculpture have been stollen.
    Since I am waaaaay behind in catching up on blog posts
    I am hoping as continue reading, I will hear some good news about the sculpture.
