05 December, 2018


Christmas Tree Festival at the Methodist Chruch, Donegal Town.  We were in town the day before this started so we missed it.  We read that it was well attended and they extended it for one day.  Unfortunately we couldn't attend.  Killybegs had one of these events a few years back, hopefully it will return this year so we can attend.

Trees range from showcasing the creative skills of community groups to businesses entering themed trees relative to their  trade. There are also a number of thought-provoking entries which have led to much conversation among the visitors. Entries have been created by people of all ages, from school children and up to many adult groups. The massive range of entries means that there really is something for everyone to enjoy.
Those who attend can also enjoy hot drinks, home bakes and a chance to sit and chat with other visitors.

courtesy of the DonegalNow website

to see other signs from around the globe, click here


  1. Hi Bill.

    A beautiful building.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  2. It's great when a community gets together.

    God bless.

  3. ...those signs are popping up these days!

  4. Festivals are great to bring communities together.

  5. I agree with Catharina's comment. Nicely said.
    Do you have also a christmas tree in your house, Bill?

  6. Is this Northern Ireland? I don’t think of a Methodist Church in Ireland?

    1. We are in the Republic of Ireland. There are a few Methodist Churches scattered around Donegal and this one is the biggest one I've seen.

  7. Hello, we have a Christmas tree festival here too. People actually buy the trees and the money is donated to a charity. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  8. A forest of Christmas trees Bill, must have been quite a splendid sight 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄

  9. I'd love to have a look inside at all those trees!

  10. Hello Bill.Like this festive sign with the Christmas trees 🎄
    Thank you for sharing! Enjoy your day!

  11. It must be magical there, Bill!

  12. I remember going to something like this a few years ago. I wish I could go again. The variety of decorations is amazing. I think it's a great idea.

  13. I've been toe one of these festivals and if they hold it again I'll be there again.

  14. I've never been to anything like that.

  15. A superb festival to be held every year is a memory to keep for sure.

    Reading the entries from school children would be my desire.

  16. Years ago we were spending a month in Ireland. Just as we came over the hill and into Killybegs the song, "The Boys of Killybegs" came over the stereo. The timing was perfect. Spent two lovely nights there. The chorus of the song is:

    With a pleasant rolling sea
    and the herring running free
    and the fleet all riding gently thru the foam
    When the boats are loaded down
    ther'll be singing in the town
    when the boys of Killybegs
    come rolling home

    1. What an interesting story and thanks for sharing it. I just checked out the song on YT and it had some photos in it. Very nice!

  17. My small town community just had one of these tree festivals. Great for this time of of year.

  18. Yep, got my tree home and standing late today.

  19. Festivals like this can be wonderful. There's one every year where businesses create and donate beautiful trees that are then auctioned off to benefit our local hospital.

  20. A sight to see I am sure. . .
    Beautiful Methodist Church . . .

  21. Bill - this is definitely the kind of event that I like to attend - it mixes the traditional and the modern by encouraging people to be creative …

  22. I just love this time of year and that looks like a neat church building!

  23. So nice for the community to enjoy.

    All the best Jan

  24. Sorry to read that you missed the festival this year, Bill, but there's always next year. We always enjoy local craft festivals.
