04 December, 2018

school crossing

creating a safer area for the school kids to cross the street when arriving or leaving.  Parents drop off their kids on either side of the road depending on which way they are coming.

dropping the tar for the new footpath across from the school.

workers spreading the tar

looking good!

finishing the area right in front of the school

the new improved area in front of the school.  All that is left to do is create a crosswalk and install a light so students can safely cross the road.  Right now the students just cross the road when they have a chance.  This is a major road for lots of traffic including big trucks.  Better to be safe than sorry.

photos taken 01/12/18


  1. Not such a nice place for a school so close to a busy road...

  2. People are driving too fast near our schools and there have been several accidents in the last few weeks.

  3. Looks like a sensible initiative. Rather typical of a local authority to carry it out during school time rather than getting the job done during the summer.

  4. Hello, It is important the the school children have a safe place to cross the road. The work looks nice! Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  5. That sounds like an excellent idea, much needed plan.
    I can’t imagine the young ones having had to cross that road
    on their own, without a crosswalk and light . . . before!

  6. Hello Bill.
    Great series of pictures!Now the children are more safe to cross the road!
    Have a lovely afternoon!

  7. What important work they are doing. Making sure those kids can cross the street safely is a perfect mission!

  8. That is a good move to protect the kids, Bill!

  9. Good move on the part of the city and school board.

  10. We must keep our children as safe as possible 💮

  11. "Better to be safe than sorry."

    Well worth all the work.

    All the best Jan

  12. All the schools here in my corner of Ontario have crossing guards who stop traffic when the kids are going to school in the morning, at lunchtime and as school finishes.

  13. It sounds like these improvements were overdue. They're very nice. Now drivers will have to wake up and heed the changes.

  14. Nice to see this! Thanks for posting.

  15. Pleased to see this, it looks like a busy road.

  16. Oh absolutely Bill, especially on a busy road.. good to see these safety improvements ✨

  17. Seems like something that should have been installed when the school opened. Glad it is done now for the kiddies!
