29 December, 2018

saturday critters

some of the dogs I see when I'm out walking

this dog was watching as I passed

this cute dog was guarding the property, not a peep from him when I pass but the eyes were following

a nice friendly old dog who usually can be found sleeping in his yard or on the corner keeping watch of who comes and goes.

to see other critters from around the globe, click here


  1. Aren't dogs just wonderful. Thank you for these great photos, Bill.

    God bless you.

  2. Leuk Bill de foto's van deze leuke honden.
    Groet kees.

  3. They all look pretty friendly too. Wouldn’t want to have a pit bull come out to meet you!

  4. They all watch at you very friendly, hey there is Bill again!

  5. Hello, cute dogs and photos. I like the doggie in the window. The last one reminds me of my old Yellow Lab named Sunshine.
    Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post today and the past year. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend!
    PS, I also appreciate all the comments you have left me this past year, thanks again! I wish you all the best in 2019 Happy New year to you and your family!

  6. Wonderful dog photos Bill!
    I adore the "doggie in the window" photo. Reminds me of the old song..."How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?" 🐕🐩🐾
    Have a lovely day~

  7. ...they sure come in all sizes and shapes.

  8. That's a cute little dog behind the fence! Looks like they were all good doggies! Hope that one stays out of the road though! Happy weekend!

  9. Cute dogs!
    They are very observant!
    : )

  10. Hi Bill.

    Nice Bill the dogs.

    Groettie from Patricia

  11. The village where I spent my childhood was a place of free-range dogs, some friendlier than others. People don't seem to let dogs run free as they used to. Cats, of course, just do as they please.

  12. It's a good idea to take note of all the dogs one meets when walking. The dags want to be noticed and receive some attention.

  13. They are all so cute in their watchful way. That first one looks like it's poised to pounce if necessary.

  14. These are just lovely to see, they made me smile :)
    Thank you.

    All the best Jan

  15. Dogs are so nosey, but I'm sure they are just as friendly with their wagging tails.

  16. It appears you've become a favorite neighborhood walker! Keep up the good workI

  17. That's cute spotting these dogs! Lovely they all
    Happy New Year bill

  18. Sweet doggies----and they are watching.......

  19. My favorite subject to photograph. I love dogs and you got some great shots. Happy New Year!

  20. My daughters dog is like that one, not a peep when a familiar person goes by, but bark his head off for a stranger. (Or the UPS man...he hates that brown truck).

  21. Very heartwarming photos of these dogs. I have a small dog who loves to stand on the furniture in order to see out the window at passersby!
