28 June, 2018


we are experiencing some serious heat lately and it's supposed to last until the end of next week.  Today 30 C, hot and humid.  We went out early in the morning 9ish and it was getting uncomfortable.  On the news today I read that the tar on some of the roads was melting and causing problems.  The gritters were out gritting the road in the afternoon.  Hopefully there won't be any serious problems.
I passed this ad on one of the stores and thought it was appropriate for today.  Stay cool and be cool.  BTW those are real flowers.


  1. One way to get cool with an ice cream but they don't last long

  2. Ice cream is good...gin and tonic under the tee even better!

  3. That is very hot indeed, it is always all or nothing here. We have warmth too but only 24 to maybe 28 in the afternoon. With some winds it is very comfortable at the moment.

  4. I recommend calling in sick to work and going to the beach or pool.
    I really like that picture!

  5. Interesting combination Bill. Stay cool!

  6. I feel like having an ice cream myself!

    Canada Day weekend (this coming weekend) heat wave will see temperatures reach 36 C !! Too hot for me.

  7. One thing that tastes great on a very hot day, ICE CREAM . . .
    Enjoy a bit . . .

  8. Hay Bill, heerlijk toch zo'n ijsje met dit fraaie zonnige weer.
    Groet kees.

  9. I'm eating more than my share of ice cream this year!

  10. 30C is pretty darned hot when mix in the humidity. I hope you are finding a way to stay cool.

  11. They have gritted the roads over here and all the cats are confused thinking it is the granules from their litter tray.

    God bless.

  12. I remember when we lived in UK for a year it always amazed me that the tar on the roads would go soft on a 29/30C day. Keep cool Bill ✨

  13. Perfect poster and I will take a cone too. Stay cool if you can. I remember as a kid the tar on the roads would melt and we thought we were in heavan because now we had chewing gum. It's a wonder we didn't pull our teeth out

  14. The heat's coming here too over the next few days, hot and humid.

  15. Too hot for me! Little cooler here in Canada this week. On the east coast they got snow!! Stay cool, have some ice cream!

  16. They are calling for 36 to 37˚C here for the weekend in Toronto. And really humid so I won't be going far.

  17. Stay cool Bill and I love the Ad!
    What could be more adorable than a child, an ice cream cone and flowers

  18. Be carefull! Stay in the shadow.

  19. It's good they look like they have a bit of shade too, loving the mural behind the flowers of the wall.

  20. That's not common for you, is it? I hope it doesn't linger. Perhaps a walk along Donegal Bay may provide relief? And there's always ice cream.

  21. Hi Bill.

    You would take a bite of that tasty Ice cream.
    Here is also very warm and the next few days that is the case again.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  22. Such a tempting ad and the flowers leave an invitation! 30 C is normal temperature here in south India

    Happy weekend bill

  23. ...sounds like ice cream weather!

  24. Nice shot. We had major heat last week, but now it's major rain...wet big-time.

  25. Looks wonderful way to spend a hot day. The kid is very cute.

  26. This is wonderful Bill.
    Yes it is so hot isn't it!

    All the best Jan

  27. It's a couple degrees hotter than that here today, and that ice cream cone looks really inviting. In fact, I just made some ice cream.
