03 June, 2024

congestion in the city

Can't believe it has been five months since my last post.  I'm finally back, onward I go. :)
Lower Main Street, Letterkenny last week  We visited the main central library to pick up some books.  Glad I gave up driving, don't miss the aggravation. :)


  1. A long break. Hope you had a good time. I never took up driving in the first place.

  2. welcome back! The congested traffic seems to be everywhere these days

  3. Welcome back! It does seem like there is a lot of traffic there.
    Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  4. Welcome back. I was beginning to think that Shari had you chained to the bedpost and you couldn’t escape! I don’t enjoy traffic congestion but it’s hard to give up the freedom to go out where and when I want, especially since most places I visit are out in the country, where public transit never goes. And as a birder, carrying binoculars and telescope at minimum, and lunch if I’m planning to be out the whole day, and sometimes a camera, going on the bus is hardly an option. And we haven’t even got to the dry clothes in the trunk in case they are needed!

  5. ...it was great this morning to see you pop up on my readers list.

  6. Welcome Back! Have missed your photos of a place I'll probably only get to visit in your post! lol
    Love the new header!

  7. Happy to see your post! Lovely Header as always! Hope you found some good books! Glad to see you back!

  8. A big welcome back! Loved the framing with tulip against the traffic snarl.

  9. Welcome back, Bill. It’s good to see you again!

  10. Hurray, you are back, Bill. Traffic seems to be a mess everywhere these days.

  11. Must be tourist season in Ireland. I would love to be in Ireland now.

  12. Bill, you are back!!!! I am so very happy!!!
    Welcome, welcome!

  13. Welcome back! I like your header photo.

  14. Welcome back, Bill. You have been so missed! (Looks like all the streets in our area now that construction has closed off so many routes and everyone is trying to figure out how to get where they want to go!)

  15. Ha, what a pleasure for my eyes!
    Nah, not the congestion. ;-)
    Welcome back, Bill!

  16. So glad to see you back here, Bill, you've been missed! The traffic? I'll stay as far away from that as possible!

  17. Good to see you and your photos back, Bill!

  18. Me alegro de que estés aquí de nuevo.
    La foto, parece que la has hecho en hora punta, por la cantidad de coches que hay circulando.

  19. Voltou, que bom! Congestionamento ninguém gosta,
    mas estas tulipas na foto são lindas!

  20. Qué placer ver la vuelta de los amigos y celebrar su fortaleza.
    Mis mejores deseos.

  21. Buena foto de algo tan cotidiano para todos.
    Feliz semana
    Bienvenido de nuevo

  22. Welcome back Bill, lovely to see this post and photograph from you.

    I do like your new header photograph too.

    I'm finding the roads are just so much busier these days.

    Take care and have a happy month of June.

    All the best Jan

  23. Welcome back Bill, lovely to see this post and photograph from you.

    I do like your new header photograph too.

    I'm finding the roads are just so much busier these days.

    Take care and have a happy month of June.

    All the best Jan

  24. Lots of traffic there. So happy to have you back posting again. You've been missed.

  25. Welcome back. You were missed.

  26. Very nice how you photographed it. We once lived one house away from a quiet suburban street that has changed over the last ten years to a major thoroughfare. Crowed traffic seems to catch up with us sooner or later.

  27. Me alegra leerte de nuevo. Genial foto. Te mando un beso.

  28. What a delight to see you again. Bill! And I feel lucky that it is your first day out. I don't feel left out. I still enjoy occasionally driving but no more motorcycles for me! Aloha

  29. I'm glad you're back, I've missed your posts.

  30. Great you are back! Whooo, that was 5 months?! Time flies by....
    Yes, I am with you, so glad I don´t have to drive a car anymore, either.
    So... what have you been up to?

  31. Welcome back, missed your photos and you.
    Lovely header, nice town/city scene there.

  32. Yay Bill! Glad to see you back!

  33. I'm really glad you are back! ^ ^ Your photos and you seem very fine!
